The Howard County Council has approved legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression, making it the third jurisdiction in Maryland to...
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, the Old Dominion’s top law enforcement officer and a fierce opponent of LGBT rights, announced to his staff in an...
Even as two Baltimore County police officers became the latest to win equal employment benefits for their same-sex spouses last week, Maryland Attorney General Doug...
Gays and Lesbians Opposing Violence (GLOV), the District's primary LGBT anti-violence task force, will host a community social and fundraiser at the Duplex Diner at...
Don Blanchon, executive director of Whitman-Walker Health, has received the ''Impact'' award from Vistage International, a ''CEO peer advisory membership organization,'' for his success in...
More than 30 local activists representing a coalition of LGBT organizations protested in front of Metropolitan Police Department headquarters and the U.S. Attorney's Office for...
Following a year that saw a spike in reported anti-transgender attacks, the Washington-area LGBT community held a vigil at the Metropolitan Community Church of Washington,...
At first glance, Sharon Lettman-Hicks doesn't seem like your typical LGBT activist. For starters, she's a straight woman. She's married to a military husband. She...
Lambda Legal announced today that Baltimore County must grant equal employment benefits to same-sex couples as a result of a binding arbitration decision. That decision...
Food & Friends, the local organization that provides specialized meals, groceries and nutrition counseling for people living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses, is...
Score one for freedom of information. Score another for correcting a mistake, albeit unintentional. The company that produces the software used for website filtering that...
More than 30 local activists representing a coalition of LGBT organizations protested in front of Metropolitan Police Department headquarters and the U.S. Attorney's Office for...
Blood may be thicker than water. But a ban on blood donations may be thicker still. Members of George Washington University's Lambda Law, the LGBT...
History may be written by the victors, but some local college students are forgoing what may be written in their textbooks and pursuing educational opportunities...
Various government officials, members of Congress, local community leaders and others congregated at the Cannon House Office Building on Capitol Hill to bid a final...