A transgender woman died after being struck by a vehicle following an assault in the 900 block of U Street NW. According to the Metropolitan...
The family of a 9-year-old transgender youth is suing North Carolina over its law blocking minors from accessing gender-affirming care.
A federal appeals court refused to overrule lower court judge, who ordered state to stop enforcing drag ban.
India's Supreme Court rejected a request to legalize same-sex marriage, even as it urged the government to combat anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
The Costco pharmacist told the customer he had to obtain a prescription from his doctor to use insulin syringes for hormone therapy.
Olivia Hill, the first out transgender elected official in Tennessee history, is ready to help make Nashville the best it can be.
A behind-the-scenes documentary brilliantly chronicles key moments from the Philadelphia Democrat's 2022 U.S. Senate campaign.
"I'm not going to help you with this," said the Virginia pharmacist, as he declined to fill a hormone prescription for an intersex child.
Japanese Court sides with a transgender man who protested having to undergo sterilization to have his gender identity legally recognized.
A 4-H club asked a youth participant to create a painting, later erasing a rainbow from the design after receiving anti-LGBTQ pushback.
An LGBTQ youth center in Spokane, Washington, was vandalized for three nights in a row, with nearby houses and businesses also targeted.
The library's executive director argues they were trying to be "proactive" in relocating books ahead of an expected flood of challenges.
The National Hockey League has banned players from using Pride Tape on their sticks, in addition to banning Pride-themed jerseys on the ice.
A woman has filed a lawsuit against a Staten Island deli, alleging a cashier attacked her over because he believed she was transgender.
The attempt to hold "open" category races at the World Cup for transgender athletes failed after no one signed up to compete.