"The Year of Magical Thinking" is wholly, engagingly real
AWOL Friday, Oct. 14 7 p.m. GALA’s Tivoli Theatre A beautifully shot Rust Belt love story, Deb Shoval’s AWOL delivers on a notoriously hard-to-keep promise:...
Dante's Inferno tells Dante's story told through dance, mime and extraordinary atmospherics
The Little Foxes is an evening's worth of fine, old-fashioned entertainment
The Shakespeare Theatre's "Romeo and Juliet" is more high school field trip than grown-up fare
Rocking no boats, WNO's "The Marriage of Figaro" is all about the music, the voices and the traditional
Collective Rage is just plain boring
Sense and Sensibility's intelligent silliness will create theatergoers for life
Folger's clever take on "Merchant of Venice" contemplates race, religion and reality without the preacher
"An Octoroon" is a brave, chaotic, wonderfully-acted play, but it lacks intellectual cogency
Boasting an all-male cast, Shakespeare Theatre's "Taming of the Shrew" is an intriguing experiment that doesn't work
"Siegfried" and "Twilight of the Gods" offer visual, emotional and moral potency -- and a fist in the air for their female characters
The first two operas in WNO's Ring Cycle are powerfully sung, brilliantly staged, and stunningly executed
Disgraced raises, but doesn't quite embrace, some of the increasingly vital questions of our time
Reduced Shakespeare offers a mild, blunt, family-friendly play
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