Good news, John Oliver: your impassioned speech on net neutrality worked. As of today, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has reclassified broadband internet as a...
“If Clarke’s attracted to someone, gender isn’t a factor. Some things improve post-apocalypse.” — Jason Rothenberg, creator of The 100 on The CW, speaking via Twitter...
Officials can remove themselves from working on same-sex marriages under the proposed bill.
Pop superstar joins the upcoming season of American Horror Story
“We planned and created him together. He has my last name…. I thought it was pretty clear that we already won.” –Cari Searcy, who, with wife...
New study confirms that PrEP taken when needed is still effective
For those who own and enjoy Pebble watches, the Time represents a significant upgrade
While great in concept, in practice Evolve is somewhat of a mess
Finnish President Sauli Niinistö has today signed into law a bill that brings marriage equality to his country. The move puts Finland in line with its Scandinavian...
“The gay rights activists who yell ‘bigot’ at those who disagree with them are the Imams of America’s cultural ghetto.” –Erick Erickson, Editor-in-Chief at RedState...
The NSA hacked the company that makes your SIM card
"I don’t understand why it would assume that homosexuals wouldn’t pay for their tickets and that they need to be monitored."
Aggressive strain of HIV appears in Cuba
Life is Strange's first episode establishes an intriguing narrative and an engrossing female protagonist
Six hilariously offensive LGBT episodes from the shows of Seth MacFarlane.