Angelina Jolie's masterful performance dominates every scene of an otherwise average film
Unveils iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite at it's annual WWDC
Audi has looked into its predeccesors' Nazi affiliations, and the results are fairly damning.
The actor apologizes on Tonight Show for homophobic insult.
“Indeed, it is hard to find any ‘cultural warrior’ at Fox News who is really a cultural warrior and who understands the threats posed to...
Impressive specs and a dazzling screen raise the bar for the smartphone underdog
“Let’s face it: anybody who does not believe that gay marriage is going to be the law of the land just hasn’t been observing what’s...
The Orange is the New Black star takes the national spotlight
7 things to splurge on for your pets
“Liberals demand public access to rape your girls, at least visually in public bathrooms, or to expose themselves to your girls at school, without parental...
Volvo offers glimpses, hints, but nothing finite in features for remake of XC90 SUV
The gamemaker weathers criticism for excluding same-sex coupling in Tomodachi Life.
Ugandan Minister for Ethics and Integrity, Simon Lokodo, in an interview with allAfrica, has claimed that the spread of homosexuality and pornography in Uganda is...
Tesla's governmental redemption, Ford starts taking Mustang 2015 orders, GM's woes worsen
“You know, even asking the question ‘should they have them’ is offensive… we have a short period of time here and to be deprived of...