Stay-at-home orders have prevented trans sex workers from earning money during the pandemic
Cruz criticized American studios for censoring films to appease Chinese censors, including cutting Freddie Mercury's bisexuality from "Bohemian Rhapsody"
Fiddlehead Restaurant is offering "Dragside Pickup" to brighten customers' days during COVID-19
Robert Jeffress: "Whenever you counterfeit something, you cheapen the value of the real thing"
Cardinal Konrad Krajewski sent funds to allow a group of trans women to buy food and take care of themselves
Cooper: “As a gay kid, I never thought it would be possible to have a child"
Sandra Spagnoli was accused of bullying a lesbian employee after discovering her sexuality
Sergeant Miles slammed an industry moratorium on filming, claiming it is "literally killing us"
Christiaan Otto is the subject of a human rights complaint due to his anti-LGBTQ social media posts
Religious cleric accused homosexuality of causing HIV and said it "corrupts generations"
Chasten and Pete Buttigieg spoke during GLAAD's "Together in Pride: You Are Not Alone" event
Scott Lowell hosts "May Day Home Stay Gay Play" to raise funds for CenterLink
Randy Rainbow offers a musical parody of Mary Poppins in response to Trump's COVID-19 disinfectant comments
Anti-LGBTQ group is outraged at DuckTales for 'indoctrinating children by exposing them to homosexual relationships'
Researchers noted a number of factors that increase trans adults' risk of serious COVID-19 illness