Hewitt later apologized, calling it a "bad word choice"
Rep. Merrill Nelson's legislation, if passed, would effectively erase a transgender person's identity in official records
The gay director is accused of having sex with or groping at least three underage boys in the late '90s
However, Matheson refuses to denounce conversion therapy or apologize for his past work
John Smid led "ex-gay" ministry Love In Action for 22 years, but now advocates against conversion therapy
Second Lady Karen Pence has accepted a twice-weekly teaching job at a school that openly discriminates against LGBTQ people
The Virginia elementary requires employees to pledge not to engage in "homosexual activity."
Gabbard has previously attacked "homosexual extremists" and worked for a organization that supported conversion therapy
Der Spiegel paints a different picture from the man gay conservatives said "lives and breathes foreign policy"
Anti-LGBTQ Alliance Defending Freedom is making refusing entry to transgender women a "religious freedom" issue
Waithe said that Wanda Sykes would be an "amazing" replacement for Kevin Hart
The actor has responded by turning down any roles "where the character’s sexuality is their defining characteristic"
The long-running animated comedy has featured LGBTQ jokes and storylines throughout its 20-year run
Facebook "privately sought advice" on policy decisions from the founder of the hate group Family Research Council
DeGeneres said that she believed in "forgiveness" and "second chances," but social media users disagreed