Wes Goodman tried to convince one man that sex wouldn't be considered gay if it was between "two alphas"
Men.com swapped Cyborg for Green Lantern, casting Colby Keller in the role
Tillerson's statement stands in sharp contrast to the anti-LGBTQ policies of his boss, President Trump
Tambor: "I don’t see how I can return"
Ralph Shortey, who touted his "family values," consistently voted against LGBTQ rights
Wes Goodman got elected by touting his Christian conservatism and rejecting same-sex families
Trace Lysette alleges Tambor "leaned his body against me, and began quick, discreet thrusts...against my body"
The festival's producers claimed they were being deprived of their constitutional rights
With incredibly high turnout, over 60% of Australians voiced their support for marriage equality
85,000 people want the Republican Senate Leader to oppose Roy Moore's candidacy
Goodbye "ladies and gentlemen," hello "passengers," "rider," and "everyone"
Amid allegations he sexually abused a 14-year-old girl, Roy Moore is attacking his Democratic opponent for supporting transgender people
Meanwhile, most Democrats think we haven't gone far enough in accepting transgender people
"Murder on the Orient Express" is a fun, if flawed and unoriginal, adaptation of the Christie classic.
Styles offers his love and support to gay and transgender fans