Winnie (Erwin Keller), Ben Schatz (Rachel), Jeff Manabat (Trixie) and Trampolina (Spencer Brown) make up the popular “dragapella beautyshop quartet” The Kinsey Sicks, specializing in...
The Raspberry Brothers, a trio of Brooklyn comedians, return to the Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse, this time to riff on the 1990 Christmas flick Home...
A former correspondent on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, Lauren Weedman juggles between Bust‘s more than two dozen characters, snapping back and forth with a...
Last Saturday night, Dec. 17, at the holiday concert of the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, Broadway and screen star Ellen Greene had what she...
Ebone Bell took to the crowd at Metro Weekly's Coverboy of the Year Party on Saturday, Dec. 17 at Town Danceboutique in Washington, D.C., where...
On seeing Holland Taylor’s portrayal of former Texas governor Ann Richards for the first time, Don Temples cried. “It was as if someone I love...
“It’s been a myth for many years.” Marcus Bachmann, following up on his wife GOP Republican candidate Michelle Bachmann’s response to a woman at an...
Hoping to follow in the footsteps of fellow D.C.-bred comics Wanda Sykes, Dave Chappelle and Martin Lawrence, Erin Jackson has garnered some national credibility with...
J. Reilly Lewis leads the Washington National Cathedral Choral Society, along with the 18th Street Singers, organist Todd Fickley, carillonist Edward Nassor and the Washington...
Named Washington’s “Artist of the Year” in 2003, this roots-rock band — part rock, part blues, part bluegrass — has since relocated to Nashville, but...
In what’s now become an annual event, legendary Baltimore filmmaker John Waters returns to the Birchmere with a one-man show motivated by a genuine love...
In terms of civil rights, in terms of the progress of human decency, one of the clearest political victories of 2011 — a long and...
The E Street Cinema concludes its inaugural “Capital Classics” series with the Marx Brothers comedy Duck Soup, focused on Freedonia’s war on nearby Sylvania. It...
Bradley Cox, the queer lead singer of the hipster band Deerhunter, has released his third intriguing album under his solo moniker Atlas Sound. The trippy,...
A few months ago, the Black Cat launched another new monthly gay party Gay/Bash, with DJs Joshua and Dean spinning electro/techno/pop tunes, from edgy and...