Mary McDonagh Murphy’s documentary Hey, Boo: Harper Lee & To Kill a Mockingbird explores the history, context and impact of the Deep South-centered novel To...
Rodman Flender’s documentary Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop offers an intimate portrait of an improvisational artist at the most improvisational time of his career. Of course...
Dupont Circle went to the dogs on Saturday, June 18, during the 18th Annual Pride of Pets Dog Show, benefiting Pets-DC, the 20-year organization helmed...
Rebecca Holderness directs an adaptation of the international bestselling book about how Einstein came to be Einstein. Einstein’s Dreams stars Elver Ariza-Silva, Frank Britton, Jonathan...
The New York-based musician Dan Fishback, a native of Olney, Md., returns to D.C. tonight, Wednesday, June 22, at 7:30 p.m. to perform as part...
Team DC’s Night Out at the Nationals — of which Metro Weekly is a major sponsor — is tonight, Tuesday, June 21. The Nats play...
Dupont Circle Main Streets presents the annual Taste of Dupont 2011 tonight, Tuesday, June 21, from 6 to 10 p.m. Create your own progressive dinner...
The DC Cowboys performed multiple routines on the Main Stage for their annual appearance at the 2011 Capital Pride Festival on Sunday, June 12. Among...
The indelible pop singer-songwriter Neil Finn, best known for fronting hitmakers Crowded House (“Don’t Dream It’s Over,” “Distant Sun”), has formed Pajama Club — a...
The Atlas Performing Arts Center and Metro Weekly join forces to present a gay, summer-long film series based on this magazine’s annual list of “Gay...
The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin returns to Wolf Trap for what’s become an annual performance, drawing from her rich repertoire — and maybe, just...
Much was made in the news last week about a saucy comedian, Reggie Brown, hired by the Republican Leadership Conference to do his impersonation of...
“Places in Space” is a collaborative performance presenting work from The Next Reflex Dance Collective, comprised of seven local D.C.-based choreographers, each exploring an outdoor...
Gary LeVox, Jay DeMarcus and Joe Don Rooney make up Rascal Flatts, a popular country-rock band from Columbus, Ohio, best known for 2005’s hit “What...
The American Film Institute’s Silver Theatre presents the second in a three-part series exploring the works of the great filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock. Part II focuses...