Metro Weekly

All posts by Randy Shulman

  • Five Moments of Infidelity

    Reel Affirmations 2006 Review by Randy Shulman Rating: (2 out of 5) Monday, 10/16/2006, 9:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Landmark's E Street Cinema THE REAL STAR of...

  • Mixed Shorts: Best of the Fest

    Reel Affirmations 2006 Review by Randy Shulman Rating: (5 out of 5) Sunday, 10/15/2006, 9:00 PM Shorts presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre AS ALWAYS, A dependable...

  • C.R.A.Z.Y.

    Reel Affirmations 2006 Review by Randy Shulman Rating: (5 out of 5) Saturday, 10/14/2006, 7:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre THIS IS IT. This...

  • The Life of Reilly

    Reel Affirmations 2006 Review by Randy Shulman Rating: (4 out of 5) Saturday, 10/14/2006, 9:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Goethe Institut Inter Nationes DID YOU KNOW Charles...

  • 20 centimeters

    Reel Affirmations 2006 20 centimetros Review by Randy Shulman Rating: (4 out of 5) Saturday, 10/14/2006, 9:30 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre MEET MARIETA, a narcolepti

  • Shortbus

    Reel Affirmations 2006 Review by Randy Shulman Rating: (5 out of 5) Thursday, 10/12/2006, 7:30 PM Feature presentation, $15 at Lincoln Theatre IT'S NO UNDERSTATEMEN

  • Killer Queen

    In The Queen, Helen Mirren, portraying Queen Elizabeth II, gives perhaps her most remarkable performance in an already remarkable career. She vanishes completely into the...

  • Revenge of the Nerd

    Watching Jon Heder in School for Scoundrels, one can't help but wonder what will happen to the 29-year-old's career once he outgrows his geekiness and...

  • Girl on Film

    Eighteen years ago, Margaret Murray faked her way into a life in film. A single mom living in Florida, Murray was working in a bank...

  • Unsolved Misery

    Vilmos Zsigmond, cinematographer. Dante Ferretti, production designer. Mark Isham, composer. Hilary Swank, actress. These are not film industry names normally associated with cinematic belly flops....

  • Ray of Light

    The last few weeks of August are beyond miserable. At least where moviegoing is concerned. Every so often, however, a ray of sunshine peeps through...

  • Plain Snakes

    In Snakes on a Plane, Samuel L. Jackson stars as FBI agent Neville Flynn, a man who must contend with, as you must know by...

  • Hero Worship

    World Trade Center is likely the one summer release you least want to see. It is, after all, a brutal reminder of the horrifying events...

  • Down Under

    I'm always up for a good scare at the movies. But it seems, more and more, today's so-called scary movies aren't up to the task...

  • Humor Most Foul

    Recently, I've been on a Woody Allen retrospect kick. My Netflix queue is overflowing with his past works, back when they were funny (Bananas), back...