The comic book is officially called The Incredible Hulk. The movie is called, simply, Hulk. A wise decision. Because to include the word incredible in...
''Kick him to the side of the curb.'' This is the somewhat brutal advice given by an audience member to Topher Bellavia last Saturday night...
Tunesmith: Smith as Kleban Chances are you've never heard of Ed Kleban. But after seeing A Class Act, chances are extraordinarily good that you'll never...
It's been eight years since Pixar unleashed Toy Story, the first full-length computer animated feature film, on the world, and what a wild, whimsical ride...
''I no longer live in sorrow,'' proudly proclaims Jennifer Holliday. ''I no longer have a lot of misery. But I definitely know how to sing...
Nob Hill has been around for 35 years. Robert Jones has owned it for the past 14. It's a perfect match. The Cozy Corner. The...
Matrix Reloaded is a spectacular act of cinema that makes all other modern day blockbusters seem undernourished. It doesn't have the emotional brute force of,...
The comic who got his start on Saturday Night Live seems content to remain ensconced in mediocre family entertainment. Eddie Murphy is a master...
Skillful direction and an able cast help elevate The F Word to a status it might not otherwise deserve Full disclosure: the day I attended...
Bryan Singer's gone and done it again -- created an emotionally rousing, smart and sophisticated movie based on a comic book. And the amazing thing...
A Mighty Wind is a glorious symphony of satire, hitting one perfect note after another. Info Box Kissing to be clever:Levy and O'Hara A Mighty...
I kissed a girl: McDormand In film after film, Frances McDormand proves herself to be one of our most infinitely enjoyable actors. From her compelling...
It wasn't enough. It wasn't enough for Phillip Pike to be a lawyer fighting for human rights. It wasn't enough to be a black gay...
Calling Cad: Farrell with Nobbs Phone Booth opens with a flashy tech-infested sequence littered with jittery, fast-motion images of people on their cell phones. Meanwhile...
With the brilliant Bernie Mac as his secret weapon, Chris Rock takes satirical aim at American politics and wins big. Running mates: Rock and Mac...