There is absolutely nothing wrong with Boat Trip. Nothing that an overhauled script and a different director couldn't have fixed. Talk about a comedy of...
As Oscar night nears, our critic offers up his picks for what should win and what will win 75th Annual Academy AwardsSunday, 8:30 p.m.ABC Look,...
Original Photography by Michael Wichita Gays in Congress, while not exactly a dime a dozen these days, are also not the anomaly they once were....
Two gay independent darlings turn in projects that make the movies safe again for naptime Playing for sleeps:Mulroney and Close (Photo by IFC Films) Rose...
Kristen Coury's Friends and Family is an ultra-bubbly, ultra-frothy comedy of errors in which stereotypes -- both gay and straight -- are given the full...
The Life of David Gale never achieves the great revelatory gasp it hopes to attain -- more like an asthmatic wheeze. Unraveling the mystery:Gabriel Mann...
If you've seen Psycho Beach Party -- either the wild and wacky Source Theatre production of more than a decade ago or the more subdued...
Greek Wedding is so predictable, it's comfort cinema, while K-19 operates without a plot Every attempt I made to see Daredevil last week was thwarted....
A rule of thumb for celebrities: When faced with a drought of exposure, go gay. Not that Marvel Comics is exactly hurting for hype these...
A tedious, unimaginative thriller, The Recruit is about as tricky a trained seal on its deathbed Ham I Am: Pacino with Farrell. Is anyone else...
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind is punctuated by visual wit and robust performances that veer toward camp My so-called undercover life:Clooney and Rockwell Who knew...
Photography by Michael Corelison The young woman with the neon-strawberry-colored hair drops a small business card in front of Larry Stansbury and rushes off. On...
A little too low key for its own good, About Schmidt amounts to much less than the sum of its parts. ''I don't know whether...
Photography by Todd Franson ''Many times, I see people who I call ‘sniffers.' They come to the hotel where MAL is held and look around...
The Hours is perhaps the most improbable mainstream-oriented movie to emerge from Hollywood this year. A character-study mood piece that envelops you like a mist,...