Razzle-dazzling: Gere A musical is only as great as its songs. Which would make John Kander and Fred Ebb's Chicago one of the greatest musicals...
Was it my imagination or were movies actually better in 2002? Certainly, the record-breaking box office reflected the willingness of moviegoers to give an big...
Hobbit hunt: Wood Kneel, George Lucas, to the shrine of Peter Jackson. Ye have met your match. With The Lord of the Rings: The Two...
Comrades in misery: Crystal and DeNiro It doesn't take the finely honed skills of a movie critic to formulate a practical analysis of Analyze That....
Picard on someone your own size: Stewart The real nemesis faced by the crew of the Enterprise in Star Trek Nemesis is not the angry...
Melissa Etheridge answers the Nightlife Coverboy questions.
Melissa Etheridge's staunch refusal to compromise her artistry has allowed her to remain true -- to her fans, to her music, and to herself.
Regan and Marc Blucas Wes Craven Presents: They is a lumbering, dull excursion about creatures who cause night terrors in children and, for some unexplained...
You only live twenty times: Brosnan and Berry ''You're no use to anyone now, '' growls M (Judi Dench) to James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) as...
Photography by Michael Wichita ''I can't believe they got it wrong. '' Edward Phillips stands among thirteen packing crates in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum's...
8 Mile High: Eminem It's not easy for a pop sensation to cross over from the cozy confines of the recording studio to the...
Taking aim: Moore A tourniquet wouldn't stop the rush of bleeding heart liberalism that accompanies the films of Michael Moore. Not to oversimplify things, but...
Bad reception: Henderson Bad reception: Henderson ''I hate television -- gives me headaches,'' grumbles 16-year-old Katie (Amber Tamblyn) to a friend in the opening...
''I think Roger Avery is an incredibly stylish director -- I'm really lucky to have gotten him to turn this book into a movie. ''...
Why can't we be friends? Hopkins and Norton. Red Dragon, the third film to feature Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Hannibal Lecter, that oh-so-cultured and...