Indefatigable local drag sensation Shi-Queeta Lee and her troupe of illusionists offer another edition of her irrepressible “A Drag Salute To The Divas,” this time...
"The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1" is all build up with no emotional or dramatic payoff
The Divine Miss M will stop by the Verizon Center next year during Pride Month — for a gig that comes a few days before...
A. Smith Bowman hosts the Grapes & Grains Trails Holiday Spirit Festival on Saturday
From Melissa Etheridge to Voca People to Shakespeare, there's a lot you'll want to see
It was a gluten-free, gutter-cleaning, egg-breaking, alcohol-fueled kind of day
Christopher Nolan’s sweeping epic is bold, super-sized, and demands to be watched on the biggest screen possible
From Bobby Flay to Suzanne Vega to a sweet, Brazilian coming-of-age film, we've got your weekend datebook here
“Nice fuckin’ three-putt you fuckin’ faggot.” — Pro golfer Patrick Reed, muttering to himself, after making a bogey on the 10th hole during the opening round...
Isabella Rossellini is on a mission to help us understand the animals we share the planet with -- through sex, love and maternal instinct
Editor's Picks
AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE: TOURING THE GLOBE FOR 75 YEARS A collection of 43 artifacts, including photographs, costume sketches, posters and a short film of clips,...
Danny Elfman's memorable scores for the films of Tim Burton come to the NSO Pops
An exhilarating new film celebrates an historic event which paved the way for the rights of gays and lesbians in Britain
“It’s been way too long.” — An invitation sent out by Apple for a media event to be held on Thursday, Oct. 16. It’s expected the company will...