Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee to band together in court on gay-marriage front
Pastor writing on anti-gay Christian blog sounds (yet another) alarm over gay marriage
The late actress on Rock Hudson, old age, drinking, driving and death.
It’s cliched world-gone-mad in the latest Planet of the Apes.
Side Show's Robert Joy gets his freak on
Matthew Morrison brings his swinging style to Wolf Trap.
Sometimes the shot is great, but a hand gets in the way
Photography by Christopher Cunetto, Todd Franson, Ward Morrison, Randy Shulman and Aram Vartian. All photographs taken at the 2014 Captial Pride Festival, Sunday, June 8,...
OITNB's new season is even better than its first
Metro Weekly's crowd covers taken at the Capital Pride Festival, 1997-2013.
The reality TV star is hardly repentant when it comes to gays.
Days of Future Past sets the series back on course
When it comes to sexuality, gay CEOs stay off-the-radar
Godzilla redefines the blockbuster as art-house cinema
Welcome to the Summer Pop Off! This is your chance to vote tournament style on what will become the summer song of 2014. This year...