Saving Mr. Banks is the tale of how the legendary Walt Disney, after an arduous 20-year ”wooing” process, finally wrested the rights to Mary Poppins...
There’s still time to get that last minute gift or stocking stuffer. Goldstar, “the world’s biggest ticket booth,” recently introduced a gifting feature that makes...
With the average person working more hours, long commutes, and social commitments that seem to overrun your calendar, it can be difficult, if not seemingly...
Betty Who – Somebody Loves You vs. Ellie Goulding – Burn With most major pop acts putting out less than ideal albums this year it...
“It seems like, to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just...
Derek Hall, Betsy Mead, Howard Stelzer, Joyce Wagner, Tessa Barsic, Kimberley Bush, Marcel Deolazo, Linda Goetz Mierke are just a handful of the Alexandria artists...
“The government does not need to recognize the rights of same-sex couples in an official way. Gays chose what they want to be, and the...
“A few thousand people who claim to be homosexuals cannot dictate rules for the majority; they cannot decide what is right and what is wrong.”...
Watch the Coverboy of the Year Teaser Trailer here. Join our e-mail list. Follow @metroweekly
I’m most certainly not going to say I was jumping up and down with anything remotely resembling joy when I read that NBC was moving...
Read Rhuaridh Marr’s assessment of the launch titles here. Join our e-mail list. Follow @metroweekly
''The Walking Dead, that game broke me.'' Aisha Tyler is sitting in a cramped, cluttered side room within the Ubisoft encampment at E3, the video...
Read Justin Snow’s report on the Hawaii same-sex marriage vote here. Join our e-mail list. Follow @metroweekly
“Whenever freedom and equality are affirmed, our country becomes stronger. By giving loving gay and lesbian couples the right to marry if they choose, Hawaii...
“We hope that the Irish Churches will embrace the message of inclusion, which is shared by many Christians, and will not oppose the extension of...