Virginia’s American Century Theater offers a production of the rarely staged experimental play, Marathon ’33, by June Havoc, the real life “Baby June” from the...
This year’s outdoor film series on the National Mall, sponsored by HBO and Comcast, draws to a close next Monday, Aug. 6, with a screening...
“ will be done when it’s done.” John Carmack, founder of iD Software, talking about Doom 4 at this weekend’s QuakeCon LAN event. Both Doom...
Lifehacker, one of our very favorite websites, has a plethora of daily useful tips for coping with your over-teched life and beyond. This week, however,...
Voted audience favorite at Philadelphia’s QFest last year, Allison Kole and Devin Gallagher’s film Married In Spandex focuses on Amanda and Rachel, as they lead...
“If you ask me am I gay, I say yeah. Are these songs about my relationship with a man? I say yeah. And it’s only...
The celebrated dance troupe, led by the gay Tony Award-winning Bill T. Jones, presents the D.C. premiere of Story/Time, a series of one-minute autobiographical stories...
Sources are claiming that Apple will release its newest phone — the iPhone 5 — at a Cupertino event on Sept. 12. Bloomberg Businessweek is...
Microsoft announced several accessories for its upcoming Windows 8 and Surface tablet launch in October — the Sculpt Mobile Keyboard, the Sculpt Touch Mouse, the...
The former Saturday Night Live comedian and now star of 30 Rock, Tracy Morgan sometimes flies off the cuff in his standup and lands right...
Sight is a well-done Israeli student short that takes a look at what augmented reality may one day become for us. The storyline is relatively...
Techcrunch is reporting that the latest version of Instagram is missing a previously popular feature — the “Find Your Friends” component for Twitter. The feature...
The exhibit “Open City: London, 1500-1700” documents London’s shift from being simply the capital of England to the heart of a world empire, which altered...
“e would believe that same-sex relationships are profoundly harmful both physically, biologically, mentally, emotionally and I have to say spiritually to those involved. No society...
Jack Steadman, Jamie MacColl, Suren de Saram and Ed Nash comprise the British indie-rock quartet Bombay Bicycle Club, named in reference to an Indian restaurant...