Intended as a “holiday for space,” the annual event Countdown to Yuri’s Night celebrates the world’s first manned space flight by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin...
In the past dozen years, Amy Ray has released several solo albums in between Indigo Girls records and tours, all informed more by her punk...
Here’s the music video for “Happy Pills,” the lead single from the forthcoming Norah Jones album, Little Broken Hearts. The album is produced by Danger...
On her new album, Slipstream, the legendary blues rocker Bonnie Raitt covers Scottish singer Gerry Rafferty’s 1978 hit “Right Down the Line.” The video, by...
After decades of abandoned decay, the Howard Theatre, the former “Black Broadway” venue, now 102 years old, will finally re-open on Monday, April 9, with...
Last we heard from Tiffany, the ’80s four-hit-teen sensation was caught essentially outing her one-time boyfriend Jonathan Knight, the sensitive New Kid On The Block....
In the one man show, Be Careful! The Sharks Will Eat You!, Jorge “Jay” Alvarez recounts his family’s escape from Fidel Castro’s Cuba in 1964....
Film and television actor (and Bethesda native!) John Michael Higgins (Happily Divorced, Best in Show), serves as emcee and Law & Order‘s Jesse L. Martin...
Ask Michael Kahn if he's happy and here's the response you'll likely get: ''Last night, I was walking around the house and I said to...
Rufus Wainwright just released the video for “Out of the Game,” featuring Helena Bonham Carter in a most inventive manner. “Out of the Game” is...
The Norwegian quintet, Orbo & the Longshots, just released “Highway Tears,” their new single and video. The band, described as “rootsy rock,” will release its...
The Moody Blues, the English prog-rock band, is still around — featuring one member from the original 1964 band and two from the 1967 lineup....
“What if God was one of us?” Joan Osborne asked in her 1995 hit. Since then, she’s gone on to tour with the Motown band...
Recipients of the 2010 Metro DC Dance Founder’s Award for Innovation, Dance Box Theatre return to Dance Place with We Are Here, a collaboration between...
Elector-pop songs of faith and devotion, for the faithful and devoted fans of Dave Gahan, Martin Gore and Andy Fletcher, as spun by local DJs...