So my television viewing this past week or so has given me a front-row seat to an intense competition, where the protagonists shift wildly between...
“She was all about Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. She repeated that about four or five times, so I just felt I couldn’t...
A few years ago, before I began dating my husband, my then-boyfriend took me to a summer cookout with a local gay Asian group. It...
''Some of my best friends are '' is deservedly one of the most mocked phrases in the English language, given that it...
If nothing else, the Iowa caucuses kicked off the year with an inadvertently entertaining bang. After months of a rotating circus of second-tier candidates taking...
To get the cliché out of the way, looking back over a just-completed year is generally an exercise in indulging our own perspectives. Those of...
The pragmatic conservatism of Log Cabin Republicans may have kept them in the news in 2011 as the group pursued its lawsuit challenging ''Don't Ask,...
Mr. Spock is gay. Or, at least, this Star Trek timeline's version of the iconic Vulcan is played by Zachary Quinto, who came out in...
The idea that significant deaths come in threes is an attractive myth that's always easy to see in hindsight – consider December 2011's intriguing grouping...
It took us six years of searching to finally find a solution to one of our most vexing annual problems of the holiday season. Namely,...
My life ended on an early December evening in 1987 when one of my fraternity brothers came into my frat-house bedroom and asked me, ''Are...
One of the more amusing sidelines in the ongoing quest for the Republican presidential nomination has been watching the blogs and media run out of...
Naturally, as a gay man running an LGBT magazine I'm always finding things in our coverage that make me pause and reflect, to remember what...
For much of my life, I've tried hard not to be that guy. You know that guy, the one who has a number of sincerely...
So, yes, it's lamentable that political progress is generally a stop-and-go affair, with long stretches of frustration and ennui punctuated by momentary outbursts of excitement...