Like most Indian dance pieces, the Bharata Natyam tells a story. Aniruddhan Vasudevan, who is gay and one of the dancers performing the classical Indian...
Sharon J. Lettman has plenty to say. And as the newly appointed executive director of the National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC), Lettman, who is straight,...
Whitman-Walker Clinic announced last week that the 23rd annual AIDS Walk Washington fundraiser raised more than $800,000 for the clinic. Shawn Decker (Photo by Ward...
Judge Rafael Diaz of the D.C. Superior Court sentenced Robert Lee Hannah to the maximum of 180 days, on Wednesday, Oct. 14, for ''simple assault''...
You may wonder: Will Gavin "I Got Life" Creel perform "Going to DC" at the HRC National Dinner this Saturday, Oct. 10? Well, he should!...
D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty (D) not only welcomed National Equality March participants to town on Friday night -- he provided a boost to the city’s...
Friday, October 9 Operation Shine Luncheon and Meet N'Greet, Hosted by Sasha Bruce Youthwork, Wanda Alston House and the Sexual Minority Youth Assistant League (SMYAL),...
Equality March Map The National Equality March 2009 will take place on Sunday, October 11, at noon, and will begin on 15th Street between H...
Washington, D.C., is a city built on two unstable foundations. The first (and most commented on during the summer swelter) is a swamp, though serious...
Just because winter is approaching does not mean you have to get SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder. And with swimsuit season long gone, if you've...
Heavenly Round-Up: Truth and/or consequences is the name of the game here and now. What has been spoken or written or even rumored is coming...
Local sports enthusiasts still recovering from Washington's losing bid to host the 2014 Gay Games may have cause to cheer this weekend. From Oct. 8...
Concerns raised during a City Council hearing on District hate crimes last year have been taken into account by the Police Complaints Board (PCB) in...
Local transgender activist Dee Curry describes the newly formed ''Hollaback'' support group for transgender people as ''a place where transgenders feel they can come, talk,...
Or is that the other way around?… Hey, Hearsay knows! Let’s ask Mark “The Original Marlboro Man” Lee!… New Anti-Smoking Ads Warn Teens ‘It’s Gay...