Metro Weekly

All posts by Metro Weekly Contributor

  • Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Three Men in a Film

    Support your local gay filmmaker! Greg “Faster” Price is competing against eight other local film finalists in the Diesel Film Racing competition, a nationwide effort...

  • Gay History Month

    In September, for example, the Library of Congress announced that a collection of materials from pioneering gay-rights local Frank Kameny, known as the Kameny Papers,...

  • Milk-ing the Silver Screen

    Harvey Milk, one of the pivotal figures in the gay-rights movement, will soon have his brilliant but too-short life and career depicted on the big...

  • Bloc Party

    Gay liberation was a product of its times. Its birth at the end of the '60s was no accident. By the time street queens and...

  • Months to Mark the Years

    The idea of Black Gay History is about as far out there as is Gay History Month, and the two curiosities are not unrelated. The...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Is that your idealism taking a beating in the back alley of your soul? Why doesn't someone do something about this senseless act...

  • Old and New Nashville

    Nashville (Photo by Gary Layda) If any city truly has a soul, it would be Nashville, Tennessee's capital. While a notch on the country's ''Bible...

  • Bloodbath

    Contrary to what the old wives tale would want you to believe, cats do not actually have nine lives. A visit to Google quickly reveals...

  • Call To Action

    The Metropolitan Community Church of Washington held a full house on Sunday, Sept. 28, for a ''speak out'' and memorial event for a Tony Randolph...

  • HIV and Aging

    Getting older does not make you any less susceptible to HIV and AIDS. ''For both gay and heterosexual people, there's the disbelief that somehow if...

  • Honor Roll

    DC Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, an organization that tackles a variety of issues in solving problems that affect D.C. residents and employees, last...

  • Suspect Apprehended

    The Washington Metropolitan Police Department announced late Monday, Sept. 29, that a suspect involved in an apparent hate crime has been arrested. According to the...

  • Life in a Trailer Town

    The film festival's a-coming! The film festival's a-coming! Yep, in three weeks time — Thursday, October 16, to be exact — Reel Affirmations will turn...

  • Vida Brings You Obama and a Sex-y Lady

    Hearsay, for obvious reasons, loves Sarah Jessica Parker for personifying the role of Carrie "I Began to Wonder" Bradshaw in Sex and the City. Why,...

  • The Jokes Are on D.C.

    Two of the most gay-popular comedians and reality-show stars are hitting town. First up is Margaret "I'm Here To Wash" Cho, who will pick up...