Support your local gay filmmaker! Greg “Faster” Price is competing against eight other local film finalists in the Diesel Film Racing competition, a nationwide effort...
In September, for example, the Library of Congress announced that a collection of materials from pioneering gay-rights local Frank Kameny, known as the Kameny Papers,...
Harvey Milk, one of the pivotal figures in the gay-rights movement, will soon have his brilliant but too-short life and career depicted on the big...
Gay liberation was a product of its times. Its birth at the end of the '60s was no accident. By the time street queens and...
The idea of Black Gay History is about as far out there as is Gay History Month, and the two curiosities are not unrelated. The...
Heavenly Round-Up: Is that your idealism taking a beating in the back alley of your soul? Why doesn't someone do something about this senseless act...
Nashville (Photo by Gary Layda) If any city truly has a soul, it would be Nashville, Tennessee's capital. While a notch on the country's ''Bible...
Contrary to what the old wives tale would want you to believe, cats do not actually have nine lives. A visit to Google quickly reveals...
The Metropolitan Community Church of Washington held a full house on Sunday, Sept. 28, for a ''speak out'' and memorial event for a Tony Randolph...
Getting older does not make you any less susceptible to HIV and AIDS. ''For both gay and heterosexual people, there's the disbelief that somehow if...
DC Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, an organization that tackles a variety of issues in solving problems that affect D.C. residents and employees, last...
The Washington Metropolitan Police Department announced late Monday, Sept. 29, that a suspect involved in an apparent hate crime has been arrested. According to the...
The film festival's a-coming! The film festival's a-coming! Yep, in three weeks time — Thursday, October 16, to be exact — Reel Affirmations will turn...
Hearsay, for obvious reasons, loves Sarah Jessica Parker for personifying the role of Carrie "I Began to Wonder" Bradshaw in Sex and the City. Why,...
Two of the most gay-popular comedians and reality-show stars are hitting town. First up is Margaret "I'm Here To Wash" Cho, who will pick up...