Metro Weekly put out a call to the community to offer its own memories of Badlands/Apex. What follows are a selection of the responses that...
Part Two of a series marking the 15th anniversary of the passage of the Defense of Marriage Act ''Given your stated and longstanding opposition to...
LGBT rights organizations joined forces at Baltimore City Hall on Tuesday, July 12, to launch Marylanders for Marriage Equality, a coalition that seeks to secure...
Transgender, transsexual and gender non-conforming people in D.C. have serious concerns about their safety, are severely underemployed, and face major difficulties accessing adequate healthcare according...
Even considered as tragicomedy, The Merchant of Venice is an awfully dreary affair. The tale is dominated by the Jewish moneylender, Shylock, who is reviled...
Heavenly Round-Up: Time and tide take on new significance as deadlines approach and procrastination deepens its tentacled presence in your heart of hearts. Why the...
The U.S. Court of Appeals that recently halted enforcement of ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' is asking who – if anyone – is left actually defending...
The United Church of Christ (UCC), the denomination to which President Barack Obama belonged for two decades, resoundingly approved two resolutions on July 5 in...
President Obama last week put wind in his re-election sails with a big move on the marriage front. In so doing, he contrasted himself nicely...
''We've had some tumultuous history around are we or are we not dedicated to a mission of serving the LGBT community,'' says Justin Goforth, director...
Every business depends on credit. Credit breathes life into enterprise, oils the machine of commerce, and provides capital to expand. Banks exist to loan money...
Heavenly Round-Up: You're more aware of the resources and reflections inherent in those around you. Look into their faces to see who you are becoming,...
Next to Wicked right now at the Kennedy Center is Next to Normal. But the two musicals could hardly be further apart on the spectrum...
Community members expressed frustration earlier today during the third hate crime oversight hearing within the past four years. Councilmember Phil Mendelson (D-At large), chair of...