Metro Weekly

All posts by Will O'Bryan

  • Marking IDAHO at HRC

    Activists around the globe marked the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) Thursday, May 17, a date chosen to mark the World Health Organization's...

  • National LGBT Briefs: Little State, Big Move

    Rhode Island Moves to Recognize Out-Of-State Marriages Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee (I) on Monday, May 14, signed an executive order to recognize same-sex couples...

  • Global LGBT Briefs: Executions and Incitement

    Reports Surface of More Gay Executions in Iran While unconfirmed, reports are coming out of Iran that four men have been sentenced to death for...

  • The Gay Gourmand

    Jonathan Bardzik photographed at Eastern Market by Todd Franson, on March 31 Maybe you've heard that tired complaint about the word ''gay'' being ''corrupted.'' If...

  • Capital Pride Names 2012 Heroes

    Capital Pride this morning announced the five locals who have been selected to serve as the 2012 Capital Pride Heroes. They are Andrew Barnett, Eboné...

  • Hair-Raising Tale

    When Everett Maroon puts his mind to writing, there's no telling what might come out. Take the novel Super Queers he's shopping around. It's your...

  • World LGBT Briefs: Women Take On Traditionalists

    South African Bloc Suggests Removing Gays from Constitution Responding to an invitation from the South African Parliament's constitutional review committee to submit comment, that country's...

  • National LGBT Briefs: Milk, Mourning and Miami

    Harvey Milk Takes to the Street San Diego LGBT Pride announced Tuesday that the San Diego City Council voted unanimously to name a street in...

  • Sarah Smiles

    As April turned to May, change was afoot on D.C.'s American University campus. For starters, April 30 marked the end of Student Government President Tim...

  • Capital Pride Accepts Charity Challenge

    Capital Pride's ''Friends of Pride,'' a special recognition for those individual donors who help keep the annual LGBT festival free for attendees, isn't new. But...

  • TransPride's May Move

    In this season of pride, space on the calendar can be pretty tricky to come by. But Capital TransPride did a good job at securing...

  • David M. Pérez

    Some gay people grow up to run screaming from conservative Christian upbringings. Not David M. Pérez. This Southern California native embraced the values of his...

  • Lauper's D.C. Date

    She won't be belting out her signature songs, but Cyndi Lauper is heading to Washington nonetheless. It will be a visit for the kids. ''I...

  • Birthday Bear

    ''My birthday is actually on Friday, while we're doing our book signing,'' says Travis Smith, whose party will be promoting ''Guide for the Modern Bear,''...

  • Youth Pride 2012: Youthful Measures

    Celebrating LGBT youth pride seems to gain traction with every passing year. People come out younger. Institutions working with youth – like schools, nonprofits, local...