Metro Weekly

All posts by Will O'Bryan

  • Punch-Line Politics

    Two transgender rabbis walk into a bar.... Wait, scratch that. Riki Wilchins, among the most prominent voices in America's gender-identity discourse, has taken a new...

  • Calling Contractors

    Some people know how to rally a crowd, recruit volunteers or throw a fundraiser. A select few may have less obvious talents, including those rarely...

  • Working the Numbers

    When people hear about census-taking this time of year, it usually involves the story of Joseph and Mary trekking to Joseph's hometown of Bethlehem to...

  • A Moral Compass

    There are all sorts of Catholics. There's Andrew Sullivan. The pope. Newt Gingrich. Sister Jeannine Grammick, that glorious woman who defied the Vatican in her...

  • Dutch Treat

    When you close your eyes at work for a wee respite of daydreaming this season, chances are you're more likely to envision yourself soaking up...

  • Finding Hope

    Watch a random episode of The Simpsons and you may well hear a panicked Helen Lovejoy -- the reverend's wife -- screaming, ''Won't somebody please...

  • Viral Campaign

    Sometimes advertising becomes art. Case in point: Andy Warhol's iconic Campbell's Soup cans. Thinking broadly, Jeff McElhaney's advertising campaigns of the 1980s and '90s might...

  • Courting Inequality

    As expected, the faction fighting against marriage equality in the District, led by Bishop Harry Jackson of the Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Md., filed...

  • Holiday Housing

    With Thanksgiving and the winter holidays upon us, it's time for many to travel over the river and through the woods. And for those with...

  • Reverend's Return

    The first time Rev. Dwayne Johnson came to Washington, he was a 28-year-old in search of a hot night out. His host had different plans....

  • Blade Ends 40-Year Run

    It was just a month ago that the Washington Blade celebrated 40 years of operations as the area's LGBT newspaper. That celebration could not have...

  • Open-House Anger

    Despite the lure of an unseasonably temperate evening, about 60 people chose to remain indoors to hear what Assistant Chief Diane Groomes of the Metropolitan...

  • Gay Judgment Day

    It's a gorgeous Sunday. Just about one of the last perfect days of 2009. But am I outside enjoying it? No. And why not? Two...

  • Open-House Anger

    Despite the lure of an unseasonably temperate evening, about 60 people chose to remain indoors to hear what Assistant Chief Diane Groomes of the Metropolitan...

  • Washington Blade Ends 40-Year Run

    It was just a month ago that the Washington Blade celebrated 40 years of operations as the area's LGBT newspaper. That celebration could not have...