It was just about this time last year that members of DC Black Pride (DCBP) got the news that Daryl Wilson would be running a...
When square-dance devotees talk about this all-American (well, sort of) art form, they're bound to get to the patterns eventually. And why not? From above,...
If there is a no-man's land between The New Gay and The Old Gay, I am sitting in it. To be clear, these are not...
Outside, the Tidal Basin was bursting with cherry blossoms adjacent the Mandarin Oriental hotel. Inside, there was also a season of change as the Capital...
Antebellum is a story that moves across continents and genders, from World War II to a cinematic memory of the American Civil War. With his...
The D.C. City Council voted unanimously this morning in favor of an amendment that aims to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions. The amendment,...
Ah, the power of flowers. At a wedding, the bride -- or brides -- usually holds a bouquet of them. They make a great gift...
There was no press release, no big speech, no photo for posterity. Instead, it seems the meeting Councilmember David Catania (I-At large) called March 19...
Even if you're not familiar with straight pornography of the 1970s and '80s, there's still a reasonable chance you've heard of Annie Sprinkle. As an...
City Councilmember Phil Mendelson (D-At large) has offered the latest word in the push to have Mayor Adrian Fenty recognize same-sex partnerships of other jurisdictions...
Regardless of what the superstitious might say, Friday the 13th was a very lucky day in West Virginia. ''Today, in the State Senate, we passed...
Washington is home to many national GLBT organizations working for equality on nearly every front. When you look at the lineup for one organization's upcoming...
In the streets or online, you may already know Michael Crawford. Did he ask you to ''get out the vote'' for Barack Obama while serving...
There are certain clichΓ©s about ''liberals,'' ''progressives,'' ''lefties,'' what have you. As a longtime spy in that house of love, I can tell you that...
First -- depending on how one measure's a local tempest -- came the layoffs in December, including the dismissal of two GLBT community pioneers, Barbara...