Metro Weekly

All posts by Will O'Bryan

  • Wilson's Return

    It was just about this time last year that members of DC Black Pride (DCBP) got the news that Daryl Wilson would be running a...

  • Squaring Off

    When square-dance devotees talk about this all-American (well, sort of) art form, they're bound to get to the patterns eventually. And why not? From above,...

  • Bruised Brotherhood

    If there is a no-man's land between The New Gay and The Old Gay, I am sitting in it. To be clear, these are not...

  • Big Business

    Outside, the Tidal Basin was bursting with cherry blossoms adjacent the Mandarin Oriental hotel. Inside, there was also a season of change as the Capital...

  • An Officer and a Thespian

    Antebellum is a story that moves across continents and genders, from World War II to a cinematic memory of the American Civil War. With his...

  • Council Moves on Marriage

    The D.C. City Council voted unanimously this morning in favor of an amendment that aims to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions. The amendment,...

  • Flower Power

    Ah, the power of flowers. At a wedding, the bride -- or brides -- usually holds a bouquet of them. They make a great gift...

  • Wedding Planners

    There was no press release, no big speech, no photo for posterity. Instead, it seems the meeting Councilmember David Catania (I-At large) called March 19...

  • Sprinkle's On Top

    Even if you're not familiar with straight pornography of the 1970s and '80s, there's still a reasonable chance you've heard of Annie Sprinkle. As an...

  • Mendelson Urges Recognition

    City Councilmember Phil Mendelson (D-At large) has offered the latest word in the push to have Mayor Adrian Fenty recognize same-sex partnerships of other jurisdictions...

  • Mountain State Milestone

    Regardless of what the superstitious might say, Friday the 13th was a very lucky day in West Virginia. ''Today, in the State Senate, we passed...

  • Pulling Out the PFLAG Stops

    Washington is home to many national GLBT organizations working for equality on nearly every front. When you look at the lineup for one organization's upcoming...

  • Grassroots & Gigabytes

    In the streets or online, you may already know Michael Crawford. Did he ask you to ''get out the vote'' for Barack Obama while serving...

  • The New Victims

    There are certain clichΓ©s about ''liberals,'' ''progressives,'' ''lefties,'' what have you. As a longtime spy in that house of love, I can tell you that...

  • Clinic Counters

    First -- depending on how one measure's a local tempest -- came the layoffs in December, including the dismissal of two GLBT community pioneers, Barbara...