Scanning Dr. Carl Streed Jr.’s résumé is a bit like looking at Lake Michigan, on whose shores his Illinois hometown sits. Both are vast, impressive...
In times of mourning, survivors usually gather together, with particular attention given to a deceased’s spouse. In the world of LGBT “fallen heroes” – those...
The functionality of the kitchen is a constant. Whether you’re zapping some popcorn, whipping up a baked Alaska or grabbing a glass of ice water,...
Walking your dog in a cemetery may seem a somewhat creepy way to exercise your canine. Then again, particularly when you live in a crowded...
Spring, despite its lingering chill in 2014, is a time to think of birth, of growth, of renewal. That means youth – LGBT youth, in...
Roughly 12 years ago, I was toiling on the floor of a pal’s dining room, constructing a banner. I’d just begun dating the man I’d...
Tom Goss is not bashful. Nor is he pushy. Put simply, he has a message to share and he’ll do what he needs to express...
Celebrating my husband’s birthday last week, there were a couple unintentional themes at play. I’d taken him to Puerto Rico for a long weekend, a...
For some youths, summer camp provides all the traditional offerings of canoeing, cabins and popsicle-stick crafts. For the select 20 who will spend a June...
“When Americans were faced with the choice of accepting their LGBT neighbors or endorsing Phelps’s unfiltered hate, they chose the former. He showed anti-gay bigotry...
There is no argument: Lily Tomlin loves show business. And that love has driven her from stage to screen and back again, countless times. With...
Earlier this month, I shared a post on my Facebook wall regarding Dmitry Kiselyov. The post was critical of the anti-Western, anti-LGBT Kiselyov, taking what...
There is a quality to a professional portrait that most won’t be able to capture in a few smartphone snaps. Or even in a few...
Center stage is quite possibly the last place you'll find Chris Svoboda. While she's had a hand in multiple efforts over the years, she's made...
High power, high pressure, long days at the office. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but many D.C. residents seem to find this a normal...