Carl Streed, Jr., Desiree Raught, Sarah McBride and Hassan Naveed photographed by Julian P. Vankim
Scanning Dr. Carl Streed Jr.’s résumé is a bit like looking at Lake Michigan, on whose shores his Illinois hometown sits. Both are vast, impressive...
In times of mourning, survivors usually gather together, with particular attention given to a deceased’s spouse. In the world of LGBT “fallen heroes” – those...
The functionality of the kitchen is a constant. Whether you’re zapping some popcorn, whipping up a baked Alaska or grabbing a glass of ice water,...
Walking your dog in a cemetery may seem a somewhat creepy way to exercise your canine. Then again, particularly when you live in a crowded...
Spring, despite its lingering chill in 2014, is a time to think of birth, of growth, of renewal. That means youth – LGBT youth, in...
Roughly 12 years ago, I was toiling on the floor of a pal’s dining room, constructing a banner. I’d just begun dating the man I’d...
Tom Goss is not bashful. Nor is he pushy. Put simply, he has a message to share and he’ll do what he needs to express...
Celebrating my husband’s birthday last week, there were a couple unintentional themes at play. I’d taken him to Puerto Rico for a long weekend, a...
For some youths, summer camp provides all the traditional offerings of canoeing, cabins and popsicle-stick crafts. For the select 20 who will spend a June...
“When Americans were faced with the choice of accepting their LGBT neighbors or endorsing Phelps’s unfiltered hate, they chose the former. He showed anti-gay bigotry...
There is no argument: Lily Tomlin loves show business. And that love has driven her from stage to screen and back again, countless times. With...
Earlier this month, I shared a post on my Facebook wall regarding Dmitry Kiselyov. The post was critical of the anti-Western, anti-LGBT Kiselyov, taking what...
There is a quality to a professional portrait that most won’t be able to capture in a few smartphone snaps. Or even in a few...
Center stage is quite possibly the last place you'll find Chris Svoboda. While she's had a hand in multiple efforts over the years, she's made...