In its native Britain, Jerry Springer: The Opera, was a hit. With many, however, it was also a miss. When the BBC aired a televised...
During my wild ''pescetarian'' days of no meat nor chicken, I refused to eat at McDonald's. My boycott was based upon the notorious ''McLibel'' suit...
On July 25, when Ted Hobart sets out on his 50-mile ''ultrathon,'' it will be farther than he's ever run. Those 50 miles cannot compare,...
Different Avenues, a local organization advocating on behalf of young people -- particularly GLBT youth -- affected by homelessness, HIV and violence, released a report...
By most market measures, it's now official: We're in a bear market. Granted, a bear market doesn't mean bull to people just trying to scrape...
Since 1999, David Mariner has been part of the fabric of the District -- minus a brief stint as a Silver Spring condo owner. ''I...
Between high gas prices and fear of losing your job in this economy should you take a vacation, maybe you've not yet made it to...
There's no doubting Eddie Sarfaty is a funny man. Maybe you've heard his unique style of connecting the dots that, for example, begins with gays...
As Master Yoda might say, ''Its energy surrounds us, binds us.'' What is this mysterious force? Why it's the District of Columbia, of course. It's...
Long ago, when airlines -- and fares -- were heavily regulated, one of the most straightforward ways for airlines to compete against one another was...
If you saw 2006's indie dynamo, John Cameron Mitchell's Shortbus, it would be impossible not to remember Jay Brannan. His character, Ceth, was the one...
Often I hear from less progressive, less liberal corners that a hallmark of ''relativists'' is their inability to discern between good and evil. Hey, no...
Whether it's for piggies or Portobellos, everyone's got a reason to be calling wildfire this summer. We've been kissing the cooks ever since our ancient...
Craig Seymour is exposed, past and present. As a University of Maryland graduate student, the metro Washington native entered the world of Southeast D.C.'s male-stripper...
In major religions, hell may contain demons who torment; thorny, bitter fruit; and, of course, flames. Plenty of GLBT folks may think of Colorado Springs,...