Metro Weekly

All posts by Will O'Bryan

  • Devilish Behavior

    In its native Britain, Jerry Springer: The Opera, was a hit. With many, however, it was also a miss. When the BBC aired a televised...

  • Food Fight

    During my wild ''pescetarian'' days of no meat nor chicken, I refused to eat at McDonald's. My boycott was based upon the notorious ''McLibel'' suit...

  • Marathon Man

    On July 25, when Ted Hobart sets out on his 50-mile ''ultrathon,'' it will be farther than he's ever run. Those 50 miles cannot compare,...

  • Sex-Worker Soiree

    Different Avenues, a local organization advocating on behalf of young people -- particularly GLBT youth -- affected by homelessness, HIV and violence, released a report...

  • Bears and Bucks

    By most market measures, it's now official: We're in a bear market. Granted, a bear market doesn't mean bull to people just trying to scrape...

  • In The Center

    Since 1999, David Mariner has been part of the fabric of the District -- minus a brief stint as a Silver Spring condo owner. ''I...

  • Sandy Claws

    Between high gas prices and fear of losing your job in this economy should you take a vacation, maybe you've not yet made it to...

  • Stand-up Guy

    There's no doubting Eddie Sarfaty is a funny man. Maybe you've heard his unique style of connecting the dots that, for example, begins with gays...

  • D.C. Designs

    As Master Yoda might say, ''Its energy surrounds us, binds us.'' What is this mysterious force? Why it's the District of Columbia, of course. It's...

  • Value-Added Vacation

    Long ago, when airlines -- and fares -- were heavily regulated, one of the most straightforward ways for airlines to compete against one another was...

  • Sweet and Low

    If you saw 2006's indie dynamo, John Cameron Mitchell's Shortbus, it would be impossible not to remember Jay Brannan. His character, Ceth, was the one...

  • A Dead Weight

    Often I hear from less progressive, less liberal corners that a hallmark of ''relativists'' is their inability to discern between good and evil. Hey, no...

  • Grills Gone Wild

    Whether it's for piggies or Portobellos, everyone's got a reason to be calling wildfire this summer. We've been kissing the cooks ever since our ancient...

  • Strip Search

    Craig Seymour is exposed, past and present. As a University of Maryland graduate student, the metro Washington native entered the world of Southeast D.C.'s male-stripper...

  • Springs Gleaning

    In major religions, hell may contain demons who torment; thorny, bitter fruit; and, of course, flames. Plenty of GLBT folks may think of Colorado Springs,...