Metro Weekly

All posts by Will O'Bryan

  • Benton Honored

    The Falls Church City Council has named Nicholas F. Benton, the out gay editor, founder and owner of the Falls Church News-Press as ''2007 Business...

  • School's Out Forever

    Ebone and Anastasia in vintage tux and gown from Meeps Vintage Fashionette. Michael wears a vintage tux shirt and sport coat from the Remix. Boutonierres...

  • Finding Joy in Fairfax

    Conventional wisdom holds that suburbanites must venture downtown for world-class entertainment. But from Olney to Alexandria, non-District denizens have repeatedly shown that artistic merit knows...

  • From Canvas to Cafe

    There is no doubting that Cuban-born Jorge Zamorano is a passionate man. The proof is not solely in his Banana Café, which this year marks...

  • Making Plans

    At the regular monthly meeting of the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, among the most prominent gay and lesbian political clubs in Washington, held Monday, Feb....

  • Avon Calling

    The Whitman-Walker Clinic announced Feb. 20 that the Avon Foundation Breast Care Fund has awarded a $40,000, one-year grant to the clinic's Lesbian Services Program....

  • Saving Face

    When HIV attacks a person, it sets its sights on the body. The collateral damage is done to the psyche, as HIV indirectly causes stress,...

  • Mad Money

    The current state of economics is leaving me stumped. Primarily, I'm scratching my head about this rebate package President Bush signed last week. In the...

  • Case Dismissed

    Ending an odyssey that began in October of last year, popular local DJ Rob Harris has been exonerated. U.S. District Judge Theresa Carroll Buchanan on...

  • Love Nesting

    Plenty of couples may claim their homes are ''love nests,'' but Warren Ellis and Joe -- ''Joe-Angel'' -- Babb stake their claim with a little...

  • Survival Tactics

    When a woman is sexually assaulted by another woman, it's obviously not rape: no penis, no rape. And when a man is sexually assaulted, there's...

  • The Party Line

    A visit to the Best of Washington's Web site isn't exactly a celebration. It's something more like a remembrance. The ''news'' section, for example, offers...

  • Return on Investment

    While so many single people meet St. Valentine's Day with a collective yawn, there are likely quite a few couples who feel similarly. With the...

  • Slinging Porn

    D.C. made headlines recently with one of those stories that people like to use to mock the inefficiencies of government. On Jan. 23, the city...

  • The Square Route

    Brian Jarvis and Kent Forrester with the Lambda Squares Regardless of where a person was raised, if that person is an American there's a pretty...