The DC Front Runners Mission: A running group serving the greater metropolitan area gay and lesbian community and their friends. Founded: 1982. Number of Members:...
Washington Wetskins Mission: The Wetskins are a water polo team dedicated to creating an environment in which the sport can be played regardless of sexual...
Radical Faeries Mission: A community-based organization of men and women who explore queer spirituality and promote an understanding of Earth-based religions and interfaith cooperation. Founded:...
Delta Lambda Phi members at a recent fundraising sale Mission: Provide meaningful friendships and social interactions in an atmosphere of social, service and recreational events....
HIV Positive Drop-In CoffeeHouse Hosted by FriendsMeeting House of Washington Mission: Provide people living with HIV a comfortable and social place to interact. Founded: 1984...
Youth Pride Alliance organizers and volunteers Mission: To provide a safe space for LGBT youth, including organizing the annual Youth Pride Day celebration. Founded: 1997...
Members of the Renegades at a recent practice Mission: To learn, teach and play rugby. Founded: 1998 Members: 80 active members How to Join: Contact...
The advertising promises are everywhere -- a whiter smile can bring you that perfect partner, land you the perfect job, make your life better than...
D.C. Gay Men for Dinner at a recent outing Mission: Providing an alternative to the bar scene where single men can meet. Founded: 2000 Members:...
Members of D.C. Lesbian Avengers Mission: A queer, direct action, activist group. Founded: 2000 Number of Members: Approximately 40. How to Join: Join by coming...
PEN members at arecent networking event Mission: PEN is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, all-volunteer network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or advocate professionals who work for...
Members of the local Straight Eightschapter of the Lambda Car Club Mission: Enjoying, appreciating and learning about classic and special-interest autos. Members: Approximately 130. How...
Members of Asian Pacific IslanderQueer Sisters (APIQS) Mission: An organization for Asian American and Pacific Islander lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning women with a focus...
Members of the National CapitolArea Lesbians book club Mission: NCAL offers a safe place for lesbians to meet, talk, collaborate, discuss literature and the arts,...
Members of AGLA at a recent group meeting Mission: AGLA offers a variety of social, political and community service activities to bring gays and lesbians...