Metro Weekly


  • Who We Are

    Who We Are Youth Pride Alliance, now in its 11th year, was founded in 1996 by Christopher Dyer. Our primary function is the annual production...

  • Booths and Vendors

    Saturday, April 28 P Street Park 23rd & P Streets NW Noon to 5 p.m. As of press time, in alphabetical order. Subject to change....

  • Speaker and Performers

    Speakers & Performers Saturday, April 28 P Street Park 23rd & P Streets NW Noon to 5 p.m. As of press time, in alphabetical order....

  • Youth Pride Allies Reception Honors Community Activists

    As part of its 11th annual celebration, the Youth Pride Alliance is honoring three allies who have contributed to the well-being and growth of GLBTQ...

  • Events

    Youth Pride Alliance Allies Reception Honoring: Darlene Nipper, Cheryl Specter, and City at Peace Friday, April 20 7 to 9:30 p.m. Toutorsky Mansion 1720 16th...

  • Youth Pride Sponsors

    Platinum Human Rights Campaign SMYAL Gold Brother Help Thyself The Center Cherry Fund Whitman-Walker Clinic Silver Black Pride GLSEN -- Northern Virginia Chapter Gay Life...

  • Youth Pride Leadership

    Sara Mindel Youth Pride Day Director Allison Bayley Volunteer Coordinator Brian McNamee Games Coordinator, Scholarship Coordinator David Koegel Technical Director Michael Banks Treasurer Nikisha Carpenter...

  • Letter from the Director

    As we celebrate this year's theme, Unique in Identities, United in Pride, we are taking note of how much courage it takes to come out...

  • Pride Scopes

    Heavenly Round-Up: This year's Pride comes with its own, spectacular finale, with drama, fireworks and door-prizes for one and all. Make up your mind to...

  • Festival Booths and Vendors

    The Capital Pride Festival Site, located along Pennsylvania Avenue between 3rd and 7th streets NW, will be open on Sunday, June 11, from 11:30 a.m....

  • One Step at a Time

    The 2005 Parade curves around Dupont Circle(Photo by Randy Shulman/Metro Weekly) Last year, Capital Pride celebrated a milestone birthday, turning 30. Now it's the parade's...

  • The Week In Pride

    ** -- Denotes Official Pride Event. Tuesday, June 6 **Annual LGBT Pride Week Interfaith Service ''Many Faiths, All Proud!'' -- Sponsored by the Celebration of...

  • Capital Pride Heroes

    Each year, the Pride Planning Committee selects a number of individuals to honor as ''Capital Pride Heroes.'' These eight honorees have made extraordinary efforts to...

  • A Cabaret Life

    ''I'm following in the footsteps of Judy Garland and Ethel Merman and all the greats,'' says Amy Armstrong, about her career performing cabaret. ''They all...