Metro Weekly

Pride Guide

  • Managing Pride

    It's likely no surprise that the man in charge of pulling together a week of Pride events culminating in a parade and massive street festival...

  • From the Rooftops

    One of the first things my mother said to me after I came out to her -- via the good old U.S. Postal Service, back...

  • 2006 Parade Participants

    In scheduled order of appearance as of press time. Subject to change. Saturday, June 10, rain or shine. Stepoff is 6:30 p.m. at 23rd &...

  • Behind the Pride

    ''I'm in gay heaven,'' thought Christopher Dyer when he found himself backstage at a Capital Pride celebration as Martha Wash belted ''It's Raining Men'' from...

  • The Week In Pride

    ** -- Denotes Official Pride Event. Tuesday, June 6 **Annual LGBT Pride Week Interfaith Service ''Many Faiths, All Proud!'' -- Sponsored by the Celebration of...

  • BETTY'S Back!

    When the woman-powered BETTY opens the mainstage at Sunday's Capital Pride Festival, it will be a homecoming of sorts. You see, they've played Pride before,...

  • The Week in Pride

    A partial selection of events, dances and social gatherings surrounding the 30th Annual Capital Pride Festival Wednesday, June 8th Mr. and Miss Capital...

  • Rock It, Man

    Like any alternative rocker worth his weight in angst, Bob Mould is not a carefree man. In fact, he's very concerned about the self-destructive nature...

  • Fear Factor

    ''It's like this infectious elation,'' says SONiA of the feeling she gets performing at Gay Prides. ''It's just a beautiful thing.'' This being SONiA, of...

  • Chi Chi Confidential

    ''I've always loved porno,'' purrs Chi Chi LaRue in a seductive cigarette meets gravel voice. ''It started with straight porno, but I soon realized that...

  • The Porn Star Next Door

    If you've ever worn a ''Porn Star'' t-shirt, then you've probably imagined the life of an adult film star: glamorous parties, easy riches and endless...

  • PrideScopes

    Heavenly Round-Up: There's so much to do and see you're liable to meet yourself coming and going. Pencil yourself in for time to regroup early...

  • 2005 Parade Participants

    In alphabetical order, as of press time. Subject to change. Saturday, June 11, rain or shine. Stepoff is 6:30 p.m. at 23rd & P Streets...

  • Capital Pride Heroes 2005

    Each year, the Capital Pride Planning Committee selects a number of individuals to honor as ''Capital Pride Heroes.'' These honorees have gone above and beyond...