Metro Weekly


  • Classical Music

    BACH SINFONIA 301-362-6525 The Genius of Haydn -- A festive program exploring a wide range of works by Haydn, including Overture to La Fedeltá...

  • Much Ado About Nothing

    Sandra Bernhard Twenty years ago when Sandra Bernhard debuted her one-woman show, Without You I'm Nothing, it was the start of a long-lived and highly...

  • Life in Real Time

    The revolution came and it was blogged. Since the advent of personal blogs as an internet phenomenon, the new media format has literally changed the...

  • The New Gay Way

    Laura Varlas wasn't expecting the outpouring of responses to her blog post last April about lesbian business attire, what she dubbed ''lez casual.'' ''It was...

  • Heath and Home

    Advances in technology are often heralded as labor-saving enhancements of our way of life. Yet the technology often seems to simply create avenues for even...

  • Strange Blogfellows

    Born just a few months apart and thousands of miles from each other, both John Aravosis and Andrew Sullivan today call Washington home. And both...

  • Past Personal

    Being an early adopter in the world of blogging, Jim Barrett has learned a few lessons over time. ''I've learned not to write about family,...

  • On the Outs

    Love him or hate him, blog-reading Washingtonians know Mike Rogers. And his handiwork can be seen in some collapsed careers. Rogers is that boogeyman that...

  • Eric Hegedus

    Eric Hegedus didn't really need the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association -- but, oh, how he wanted it. A 1984 graduate of Penn State,...

  • Javier Morgado

    In middle school, Javier Morgado was obsessed with local TV news. ''I remember watching in the afternoon and being completely obsessed with how it...

  • Media Gays Invade!

    An invasion is headed for the nation's capital. Is it aliens? In an immigration sense, a few, perhaps. Commie infiltrators? Don Wildmon of the American...

  • Jen Christensen

    ''Gay men are icky and that's what our audience would think.'' At least, that's the response Jen Christensen, 36, says she got from a former...

  • Ina Fried

    Following the pattern of humanity and quite a few other species -- though by no means all -- computer technology has been largely born of...

  • Marilyn Geewax

    When she's not working as the national economics correspondent for Cox Newspapers' Washington Bureau, Marilyn Geewax enjoys looking at food. ''I become delirious at the...

  • Exit, Stage West

    Locals might wish they had more time to get to know Earl Plante, who came to Washington just shy of four years ago. But during...