Tom Goss Spend an hour with local troubadour Tom Goss and you're bound to fall in love with him. The gay 27-year-old native of Kenosha,...
Ebone Bell's career path is more like a multilane highway. She's been a drag king with her alter ego, E Clef. She gave D.C. the...
Ted Allen When it comes to cooking, it's not as hard as it looks. Take Ted Allen's pan-roasted salmon with tomato vinaigrette on a bed...
Since 1999, David Mariner has been part of the fabric of the District -- minus a brief stint as a Silver Spring condo owner. ''I...
If you saw 2006's indie dynamo, John Cameron Mitchell's Shortbus, it would be impossible not to remember Jay Brannan. His character, Ceth, was the one...
Craig Seymour is exposed, past and present. As a University of Maryland graduate student, the metro Washington native entered the world of Southeast D.C.'s male-stripper...
People's Choice Award (selected by the audience applause from 1st place winners of the show) Best of Show - Gizmo Lee, handled by Tony Lee...
What does it take to win at the Pride of Pets dog show? Last Saturday, June 21, obedience was the key for Gordon Ng's Simba,...
It was raining much more than men at the 33rd Annual Capital Pride Parade last Saturday, June 14. A large crowd -- estimated to be...
Prides come and prides go, but the basic idea remains the same. Namely, that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people continue to make their mark...
Writing about federal tax issues upon coming to Washington in 1989 with a journalism degree did not suck the life out of Sean Bugg. But...
She may not have been gay, but Noi Chudnoff was most definitely a member of the local GLBT community. With her Go Mama Go! boutique...
Freddie Lutz is a curious mix of the old and the new - with a signature splash of purple. First, consider that Lutz has lived...
Looking back over the past year, Maryland State Del. Heather Mizeur says she is most proud of a handful of bills that she sponsored in...
When it comes to super heroes, the stories are all the more compelling when they've taken a beating. Maybe the same holds for Capital Pride...