Metro Weekly


  • Gearing up for Spring

    Once upon a time, when sports were the domain of the heterosexual male and outcasts were always chosen last, gay and lesbian athletes were invisible...

  • Go Team!

    With a myriad of gay and lesbian sports organizations in the area, it may seem daunting to try to pull them all together for common...

  • Love Game

    When I picked up a racquet for the first time in 16 years and joined a gay tennis league, I set my expectations low. Basically,...

  • Diva in a Dress

    Tackle football is usually synonymous with fall weather and rough guys. That's old school. Today, tackle football can mean daffodil season and kick-ass women like...

  • Making a Splash

    If you know how to float, you're halfway there. Of course, being a part of the D.C. Aquatics Club (DCAC) can mean much more than...

  • 'Soft' Touch

    It's called softball for a reason. The ball is bigger than a baseball, and the pitch is underhand -- a little bit friendlier, a little...

  • Passover in Pink

    While the modern world has the bittersweet claim of Juneteenth -- the June 19 holiday that since late in the 19th century marked the end...

  • Breaking Barriers

    Breaking down barriers is old hat for Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton. After all, she's been breaking them since she was a little girl in Montreal. The...

  • A Warm GLOE

    The District of Columbia Jewish Community Center, better known as the DCJCC -- or simply as ''The J'' for those really in the know --...

  • In the House

    In New York City, Congregation Beth Simchat Torah claims to be the world's largest GLBT synagogue. Beth Chayim Chadashim, founded in 1972 in Los Angeles,...

  • Discovering Our Past

    As a child in rural Illinois, Mark Meinke read the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence's account of his time spent with the Arab Revolt...

  • Namasté

    Through much of South Asia, from India to Nepal to Sri Lanka, hands pressed together with fingers pointed skyward is a gesture of respect and...

  • Inside Man

    Earl Robert Merritt Jr., a.k.a. Butch Merritt, claims humble beginnings outside Charleston, W.Va. Had he remained in West Virginia, it's nearly certain his life would...

  • In and Out

    Army Sgt. Darren Manzella could be the all-American poster boy for Army recruiting. The 30-year-old speaks softly with a polite charm that seems to reflect...

  • From Canvas to Cafe

    There is no doubting that Cuban-born Jorge Zamorano is a passionate man. The proof is not solely in his Banana Café, which this year marks...