Metro Weekly


  • Evergreen

    Bernie Pulliam and William Taylor have traversed an ocean and two decades, and they've taken it in stride. Their first meeting may have set the...

  • Still Laughing

    Thirty years later and they still make each other laugh. As Kathleen DeBold and Barbara Johnson, both 49, tell the tale of how they met...

  • Happy Together

    With Valentine's Day around the corner and romantic merchandise for sale on all sides, it may seem inevitable to get a little cynical about romance....

  • Hostile Territory

    ''Why did you move to the hate state?'' That's what I've been asked, in various forms, since I left D.C.'s Adams Morgan/Columbia Heights neighborhood last...

  • Homegrown History

    The Harlem Renaissance is one of the most culturally romantic periods of American history. In a sense, it was the spark that ignited a fire...

  • MAL 2005

    The Centaur Motorcycle Club's Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend has grown over the years into the nation's largest club-sponsored leather event. The original seed of the weekend,...

  • Taylor-made Title

    One cold and drizzly afternoon, roughly a year ago, hundreds of leather aficionados gathered inside Almas Temple downtown for more than three hours of pageantry...

  • Judgment Day

    ''I think it's about who he is on the inside and whether or not he has the ability to speak from his heart, whether that...

  • The Exhibitionists

    For some, MAL is about the legendary Leather Cocktails, the event from which the weekend born. Then there are those who look forward to the...

  • Appreciation

    Last Thursday morning, January 6, at 5:15 a.m., one of the GLBT community's biggest hearts gave out. The passing of Billy Collison at the age...

  • New Year, New You

    The holiday debt has racked up and the Christmas cookies have morphed into another inch for your waist size. The madness, however, wrapped itself up...

  • Scene 2004

    Scene 2004: The Year in Pictures More than 5700 Photos of D.C.'s GLBT Community over the past 12 months

  • 2004: The Year in Review

    We had the strangest dream about 2004. Everything was carefree and gay, and the good fairies had done away with sodomy laws and we were...

  • Will Bell

    Will Bell There is a chance that Will Bell may be having a mild quarter-life crisis. ''I have my education to fall back on, I've...

  • Allix Allot

    Allix Allot A couple years ago Allix met a boy at Nation. After dancing together for a while, they started making out and their hands...