Metro Weekly


  • It's the Heat. And the Stupidity.

    It's hot, and I'm stupid. I wanted to use some big words to tell you this, but they all seem to be lost in the...

  • Living in Cyn

    Cyndi Lauper is turning fifty years old. Now let's think about this for a moment, because her effect on you when she entered your life...

  • Icy Terrain

    Photography by Michael Wichita Write what you know. It's the sage advice all aspiring novelists hear, and Brian Malloy took it to heart when creating...

  • This One's for the Ladies

    Straight Talking, Hard Knocking, Indie Rocking Women with a Cause. Have a Seat, Fellas... Tsunami Without the retro value or stretch pants of Charlie's Angels,...

  • Women's Work

    Let's say you're in Portland, Oregon. You're on tour, packing it in after each gig and schlepping it to the next town where your audience...

  • State of Freedom

    You get the feeling that Blake Humphreys can't help but look enthusiastic. There's the sparkle in the eye, the impression of constant forward movement, the...

  • Gay Whirled

    Thousands of fun-loving, thrill-seeking gays and lesbians came out last Saturday, July 13, 2002, for the annual Brother Help Thyself-sponsored Gay and Lesbian Day at...

  • Boxed In

    Tim Miller Tim Miller is feeling a little guilty. ''I used to be very pooh-poohing on the gays in the military issue,'' admits the performance...

  • Get Real

    This is the semi-true story of seven models picked to live in a mansion and have their lives improved through editing to find out what...

  • Into the Mousetrap

    It's ten past nine, and apparently Stinger Ray's is the place to be. Located just off of Terminal A, the bar's neon glow is a...

  • Lypsinka Speaks!

    To say that John Epperson is the ''Pride of Mississippi'' probably wouldn't be the most accurate of statements. Now, that's not to disparage Epperson's estimable...

  • The Words of Tammy Faye

    What is it that gays love about Tammy Faye Bakker-Messner? Is it her camp value? Her perky, love-gushing way with words? Is it her unbridled...

  • Post Gay

    A bit of clarification: This is a story about Hank Stuever, a Washington Post Style section writer who, as it happens, is a gay man....

  • Words of Caushun

    Collectively, rap and hip-hop artists have pretty much cornered the market on gay bashing. There's DMX's vibrantly visual ''Well in the back wit ya faggot...

  • Bar Quest

    The martini's iconic status has elevated it almost to the point of cliché. Sean Connery made ''shaken, not stirred'' 007's very identity. Lauren Bacall never...