Metro Weekly


  • Farewell to Badlands/Apex

    Metro Weekly put out a call to the community to offer its own memories of Badlands/Apex. What follows are a selection of the responses that...

  • Thanks for the Memories

    What do you remember about Badlands and Apex? ''When I started at Badlands in 1993 there were two walled-in alcoves where the main bars [off...

  • Justice for All

    On March 26, 2003, Paul Smith argued to the United States Supreme Court that the justices should declare sodomy laws unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution...

  • Secrets of the Skies

    From the days of Pan Am Clipper flying boats plying the Pacific and Alexander Calder's wildly painted Braniff jets, to today's first-class suites aboard gigantic...

  • Dog Day Afternoon

    Dupont Circle went to the dogs on Saturday, June 18, during the 18th Annual Pride of Pets Dog Show, benefiting Pets-DC, the 20-year organization helmed...

  • A Charming Pride

    Last Saturday, June 18, Baltimore may have seen its last Pride block party at its traditional Mount Vernon location. If that turns out to be...

  • Grand Slam [video]

    The Washington Nationals pulled off a historic 6-5 win over the Seattle Mariners with a bottom-of-the-ninth home run that brought fans to their feet. But...

  • A Capital Pride

    Mother Nature, always the wild card for D.C.'s many outdoor events, looked as though she were going to insert herself into the story of this...

  • Play Ball!

    Once upon a time, there was a section of the Anacostia waterfront that thrived with businesses catering to the gay community. In 2006, those businesses...

  • Out on the Field

    Don't be late for Night Out at the Nationals. The festivities begin before the first pitch, and include a host of LGBT notables. Team DC...

  • Extra Outings

    This year Team DC's ''Night Out'' makes a leap beyond baseball, hosting three other Night Out events, beginning with the July 21 Night Out at...

  • The Ringleader

    Robert O'Hara, the 41-year-old playwright whose latest work, Bootycandy, is having its world premiere run at Washington's Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, is very familiar with...

  • Holliday's Road

    When you hear Jennifer Holliday launch into her signature song, ''And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going,'' with the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington...

  • Gentle Ben

    It's likely the fantasy of many gay men. In a New York City hotel room, Ben Cohen, 32, is fresh from the shower. Sorry, gents,...

  • The 2011 Next Generation Awards

    Every generation builds on the accomplishments of those who came before. The rights we enjoy today were secured by the work of the generation before...