While Wisconsin's capital city, Madison, is often dismissed by conservatives, including the state's Republican governor, as a liberal bastion out-of-step with the rest of the...
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s attempt to deny benefits to state employees in same-sex relationships cost her a civil servant on Tuesday. Edwin Leslie, who until...
Mitt Romney vowed to defend traditional marriage as president during a speech delivered to the NAACP convention today in Houston. Only briefly did the presumptive...
Facebook’s logo may be blue, but research just issued by the University of Wisconsin suggests that using the world’s most popular social networking site will...
This Saturday, July 14, is Bastille Day, which isn’t an actual holiday in the United States — but it’s as good an excuse as any...
I've never been to Louisiana. Not New Orleans, not Baton Rouge, not Grand Isle, not any of it. I can't begin to grasp what it's...
As the District prepares for the XIX International AIDS Conference, aka AIDS 2012, locals are preparing a smaller gathering for the days just prior. And,...
''And the world that I see is returning once more, to the world that I knew it be long before,'' Mary Chapin Carpenter sings on...
Daniel O'Neill and Brant Miller have a success story to share. At their Gay Men's Health Summit Workshop, ''Repackaging the Condom Question: Using Sexually Explicit...
Frank Walker thought his life's work was with the Chicago Cubs. ''Growing up I was such a huge Cubs fan, and all I wanted to...
Don't let the title fool you. ''Coming out after 65: Health Implications for Gay Male Elders'' is going to cover plenty of territory, with enough...
When it comes to the new frontier of safe sex, condoms may be on their way out and pills on their way in. With major...
Even at 30 years and counting, and even among gay men, HIV/AIDS is still an unknown entity. Justin Goforth, director of the medical adherence unit...
When it comes to your health, it is best to be like a child. So says Kevin Brooks of Baton Rouge, La., a featured speaker...
Leaders of the Episcopal Church voted overwhelmingly July 9 to approve blessings of same-sex weddings and the church's general convention in Indianapolis, according to the...
Technically, the headliners at the Eighteenth Street Lounge this Saturday, July 14, are popular local straight DJs Thomas Blondet in the Main Room and Will...
The D.C. Office of Human Rights (OHR) launched a campaign July 9 to educate District residents about housing discrimination, including discrimination based on sexual orientation...
According to a report from the BBC, San Francisco city officials are planning to block local government agencies from buying new Macs, following Apple’s decision...
Jennifer Lopez is releasing her first-ever Greatest Hits package on July 24th. “Dance Again — The Hits” will feature two new songs, “Dance Again,” featuring...
The 3rd Annual Queer of the Year competition, hosted by Tourisme Montreal, has begun and continues through the end of August. The fun and campy competition is...