{2011 Team DC Fashion Show (Photo by Julian Vankim)} Years ago, a model passed out onstage at Team DC's Fashion Show. ''He hadn't eaten...
''I made change for kids that aren't strong enough to make change,'' Dylon Frei, an out gay student in the Anoka-Hennepin School District in Minnesota,...
Former Councilmember Sekou Biddle (D-At Large) and sitting Councilmember Vincent Orange (D-At Large), who replaced Biddle in an April 2011 special election, sparred over their...
Local standup comedian Sampson performs “Live Love Laugh” along with special guests for a performance at the DC Center to benefit the local theater arts...
As they say, good things come in three, so – given that Kimpton has recently opened new properties in San Diego, Portland and South Beach...
With former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) winning primary races...
Whitman-Walker Health, the local community health center specializing in the treatment of HIV/AIDS and LGBT health care, announced Monday that it is projecting an operating...
Six hungry city-dwellers scramble for sustenance in Civilization (All You Can Eat), a scathing satire — or “provocative vaudeville,” to quote the press release —...
“Cardinal O’Brien makes the point, quite reasonably, that once you start to tamper with the institution of marriage, you get into some very murky water...
Following an investigation that began in November 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice today filed a federal lawsuit against the Anoka-Hennepin School District, the Minnesota...
Today, out gay Michigan congressional candidate Trevor Thomas (D) announced the support of former Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) and former Lt. Gov. John Cherry (D)...
In an interview with Piers Morgan on CNN, actor Kirk Cameron, best known for his role as Mike Seaver on the show Growing Pains, once...
Radiohead is coming to D.C.’s Verizon Center on Sunday, June 3. The ongoing world tour is in support of their new album, The King of...
Canadian electro-rock singer Valerie Anne Poxleitner has actually changed her legal name to Lights. A child of missionary parents who grew up in remote places...
''I truly believe, unlike any other issue, whatever it takes to win we will do, and we will not cut a single corner,'' Chad Griffin...
[Photo: Servicemembers Legal Defense Network co-founder Michelle Benecke speaks at SLDN’s 20th annual dinner, where the plaintiffs of the organization’s ongoing lawsuit seeking equal spousal...
Variously described as a band playing “improv rock” and “trance arena rock,” the Athens, Ga.-based Perpetual Groove has become popular on the rock festival circuit...
The Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League’s Youth Arts Ensemble offers a work-in-progress this weekend at Intersections: A New America Arts Festival at the Atlas. Dance...
It’s not conventional by any means — then again, Rocky Horror never is — but the Gay Men’s Chorus has gone in a somewhat different...
Yes, he’s like that all the time — or at least, the high-pitched comedian Bobcat Goldthwait has been doing standup since he was still in...