Metro Weekly

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  • Puppy Play

    The heyday of biker gangs and leather daddies is so 1970s. While leather, boots and a jockstrap used to be de rigueur attire for Mid-Atlantic...

  • Sexy Edge

    You might say dance-music singer Ultra Naté proposed to Quentin Harris. ''We went into the studio and started working at first was going...

  • Leather Nights

    It's not just your imagination – there is more leather and fetish nightlife during this year's Mid-Atlantic Leather weekend than ever before. ''Years ago, MAL...

  • Friendly Fire

    ''Some of my best friends are '' is deservedly one of the most mocked phrases in the English language, given that it...

  • Leather in the Lead

    There's an axiom of which I never grow tired: Perspective is everything. I think I'm an ethical person; others would cast me into the pits...

  • Grading Mayor Gray

    It's been a rough year for Mayor Vincent Gray. One year into his first term, he's been plagued by negative headlines. Members of his administration...

  • Review: Time Stands Still

    ''Happy trails.'' ''Be careful!'' Two ways to say goodbye to someone – one playful and lighthearted, the other cautionary and concerned. Those are also the...

  • Review: The Religion Thing

    Theater J's The Religion Thing centers on two couples. But, as that bland title suggests, the show's primary focus is on faith. Is faith the...

  • Booze Cruise

    ''Last year, people showed up in tennis shoes,'' chuckles Angie Fox. ''They really took it seriously.'' Fox is talking about the first annual 1K Wine...

  • Artful Porn

    When is porn art? When is an art gallery a back room? The answer to both questions is now – at least as conceived by...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: What's that up ahead? The big, suddenly noticeable thing you've never seen before in your life? Isn't it funny how one second you're...

  • Review: Corman's World

    If Jack Nicholson and Martin Scorsese trash a director's films, saying that ''nobody was trying to make them good,'' or that ''taste was out of...

  • News Analysis: The Nitty-Gritty of Obama’s (Possible) Path to Supporting Marriage Equality

    In today’s Metro Weekly, I lay out a path forward in “Absent Update” for President Obama’s stalled evolution on marriage equality. Definitely go read that...

  • Women of “The View” dismissive of Pope’s anti-gay marriage stance [video]

    The Pope’s anti-gay marriage statements made it to the set of ABC’s The View on Tuesday. Despite their mixed bag of terminology and examples, they...

  • Out Lesbian Lawyer Wins Special Election in Minnesota, Will Fight State’s Proposed Marriage Amendment

    The 2012 election season had winners besides former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney on Jan. 10. In Minnesota, Susan Allen won her special election to become...

  • Absent Update

    ''I have no updates for you on the president's position on same-sex marriage.'' White House press secretary Jay Carney said the words with exasperation in...

  • Alexandra Tomalonis’s Ballet 360

    In “Ballet 360 — What Ballet Does Best II: Exotic Dreams,” dance critic Alexandra Tomalonis uses video of well-known ballets to explore the craft of...

  • Barber & Barberillo at the InSeries

    The In Series opens the year with an opera/zarzuela double bill: Samuel Barber’s 10-minute pocket-opera A Hand of Bridge, which features two couples playing cards...

  • Folger’s MLK Tribute

    The Folger Shakespeare Library celebrates Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with dramatic readings of speeches and poetry, all on the au courant theme of protest....

  • Hurry! The Smithsonian’s Frank Kameny exhibit closes Monday

    The Smithsonian National Museum of American History’s exhibit on the gay pioneer Frank Kameny, who died in October, includes protest signs donated by Kameny, and...