Metro Weekly

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  • Coldplay tickets on sale tomorrow

    “Every teardrop is a waterfall,” Chris Martin sings on the first hit from the weirdly named Mylo Xyloto. And if you’re a Coldplay fan, you...

  • Prickly Protagonist

      Can a great movie be about a terrible person? The tenet of traditional screenwriting is that audiences need a relatable protagonist. Even jerks have...

  • Las Vegas casino and hotel magnate supporting Newt?

    Stories are swirling around a possible $20 million contribution by billionaire Sheldon Adelson to support Newt Gingrich’s presidential bid. Adelson, is the chairman and chief executive officer of...

  • Past Imperfect

    My life ended on an early December evening in 1987 when one of my fraternity brothers came into my frat-house bedroom and asked me, ''Are...

  • 2011 Coverboy of the Year: Behind the Scenes [video]

    Ebone Bell takes us behind the scenes at the 2011 Coverboy of the Year photo shoot, held on Saturday, Dec. 10, at the 9:30 Club...

  • Maui’s Grand Wailea shows aloha for same-sex couples

    As a new report finds that gay couples are honeymooning at increasing numbers and prefer warm-weather destinations, the Grand Wailea, on the beautiful island of...

  • What do you think of Twitter's new look?

    Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool. Fill out my Wufoo

  • 2011 Coverboy of the Year: Tyler Coffey

    So maybe he overshared a bit. In his Coverboy profile last May, Tyler Coffey revealed the most unusual place he's had sex. ''A lifeguard station...

  • First Runner-Up: Kory Davis

    As far as Kory Davis is concerned, life's all about openness and honesty. The frank, outgoing 25-year-old tells it like it is. ''I just speak...

  • Second Runner-Up: Moises Navarrete

    There was a time when young Moises Navarrete might have shied from the spotlight. A few years ago, the attention the Northern Virginia native was...

  • Xmas Column

    The American Family Association is mad at Banana Republic. They're also mad at Family Dollar and Radio Shack and a handful of others. Seems these...

  • Making a Clean Break

    Despite a controversial walk-up to the passage of D.C. marriage equality in 2009, a recently introduced bill before the City Council that would permit same-sex...

  • Jenkins-Miller Custody Fight Continues

    A Virginia man who allegedly helped a woman escape the U.S. with her daughter in order to avoid giving custody of the girl to her...

  • Gay Wonderland

    ''The name just kind of rolls off your tongue,'' says Joey-O with a laugh. ''It almost sounds like a cheerleader -- 'Go gay go!''' Instead...

  • A Diva DVD Christmas

    Who's your favorite pop diva? Well, as long as it's not Madonna or Robyn or Rihanna -- or, God help you, Ke$ha -- chances are,...

  • Ever Greene

    Stage and screen actress Ellen Greene has long lived with a secret. She's even written a poem about it. ''They said don't let anyone know;...

  • Holiday Hilarity

    ''Right out of high school, I wore a lot of orange spandex and spangles,'' says Michael Stebbins, laughing at the memory. The actor, who grew...

  • Big Hair

    After six years on Broadway, national tours and a splashy big-screen adaptation, how much charm could be left in the Charm City of the musical...

  • Comedy Accompli

    A little edgy, a little existential and a lot funny, Second City's Spoiler Alert: Everybody Dies, is a high-energy riff on the idea, more or...

  • Law and Stagecraft

    Ken Ludwig considers practicing law the equivalent of waiting tables. ''Most actors,'' he says, ''would not want to be identified as, 'Oh, wait a second,...