“Every teardrop is a waterfall,” Chris Martin sings on the first hit from the weirdly named Mylo Xyloto. And if you’re a Coldplay fan, you...
Can a great movie be about a terrible person? The tenet of traditional screenwriting is that audiences need a relatable protagonist. Even jerks have...
Stories are swirling around a possible $20 million contribution by billionaire Sheldon Adelson to support Newt Gingrich’s presidential bid. Adelson, is the chairman and chief executive officer of...
My life ended on an early December evening in 1987 when one of my fraternity brothers came into my frat-house bedroom and asked me, ''Are...
Ebone Bell takes us behind the scenes at the 2011 Coverboy of the Year photo shoot, held on Saturday, Dec. 10, at the 9:30 Club...
As a new report finds that gay couples are honeymooning at increasing numbers and prefer warm-weather destinations, the Grand Wailea, on the beautiful island of...
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool. Fill out my Wufoo
So maybe he overshared a bit. In his Coverboy profile last May, Tyler Coffey revealed the most unusual place he's had sex. ''A lifeguard station...
As far as Kory Davis is concerned, life's all about openness and honesty. The frank, outgoing 25-year-old tells it like it is. ''I just speak...
There was a time when young Moises Navarrete might have shied from the spotlight. A few years ago, the attention the Northern Virginia native was...
The American Family Association is mad at Banana Republic. They're also mad at Family Dollar and Radio Shack and a handful of others. Seems these...
Despite a controversial walk-up to the passage of D.C. marriage equality in 2009, a recently introduced bill before the City Council that would permit same-sex...
A Virginia man who allegedly helped a woman escape the U.S. with her daughter in order to avoid giving custody of the girl to her...
''The name just kind of rolls off your tongue,'' says Joey-O with a laugh. ''It almost sounds like a cheerleader -- 'Go gay go!''' Instead...
Who's your favorite pop diva? Well, as long as it's not Madonna or Robyn or Rihanna -- or, God help you, Ke$ha -- chances are,...
Stage and screen actress Ellen Greene has long lived with a secret. She's even written a poem about it. ''They said don't let anyone know;...
''Right out of high school, I wore a lot of orange spandex and spangles,'' says Michael Stebbins, laughing at the memory. The actor, who grew...
After six years on Broadway, national tours and a splashy big-screen adaptation, how much charm could be left in the Charm City of the musical...
A little edgy, a little existential and a lot funny, Second City's Spoiler Alert: Everybody Dies, is a high-energy riff on the idea, more or...
Ken Ludwig considers practicing law the equivalent of waiting tables. ''Most actors,'' he says, ''would not want to be identified as, 'Oh, wait a second,...