The first thing you notice about Lauren Weedman is her face. It's one of those that instantly conveys personality -- you look, spot the quirks,...
”At this time, I feel it’s time to pass the baton, and allow others to take the reins and lead our town forward. My work...
“We are so very sorry this happened. The teacher made a poor decision and it should have never happened.” Jane Mohr, the Assistant Superintendant for...
This week, a couple of videos showcased a teenage girl and an 8-year-old boy putting Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on the spot for her anti-gay...
President Obama’s memorandum on use of U.S. foreign policy to advance LGBT equality prompted Republican presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry to say in...
Today, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a major address on LGBT equality as her Human Rights Day Address. Delivered in Geneva, Clinton acknowledged...
“Juxtapositions” is a photography exhibit by queer artist P.B. Groszmann, whose work explores the LGBT experience through topics such as “Gaiety,” “Joy,” “Memories” and “Histories/Herstories.”...
At a background briefing held today in advance of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Human Rights Day Address about global LGBT equality, the issue...
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President Obama today issued a memorandum “directing all agencies engaged abroad to ensure that U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights...
The Howard County Council has approved legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression, making it the third jurisdiction in Maryland to...
“He felt like he couldn’t publicly come out. He felt like people wouldn’t accept him.“ Michael Gregg Michaud, a friend of the comic Alan Sues,...
France’s answer to Robyn, Julie “Yelle” Budet is another woman with a little girl’s voice and killer beats, though the style is more playful, party...
Woolly Mammoth isn’t just hosting Chicago’s The Second City to offer more off-the-wall improv humor as in years past. Rather, Woolly’s company members Jessica Frances...
“As much as we can, come together, as it will take a village and an army — countries and continents, too — to make bullying...
“She’s lovely inside and out. Vivi said, ‘You guys are the perfect match.’ The biggest difference with her than with anyone else...
The pop of a Champagne cork might sound the same no matter where you are doing New Years Eve but not all destinations are created...
Over the weekend, two of Atlanta, Georgia’s most prominent, powerful and conservative public figures, Eddie Long and Herman Cain, announced that they would be stepping...
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Call out the welcome wagon, Gary has arrived. The 25-year-old – originally from Detroit, and most recently Atlanta – moved to metro D.C. in August...