Get comfortable. Maybe in your couch or favorite chair. I'd recommend organic snacks. A beer, if you're so inclined. And only once you're truly settled...
Clint Eastwood deserves a whole lot of credit. As a director, he's pushed away the man's man archetype that made him famous -- you know,...
''I go every year and do lots of shopping. It's one of my favorite events,'' says Monica Jeffries Hazangeles of Stathmore's Museum Shop Around. And...
'There were no men not wearing dresses in show business,'' says Jason Stuart, referring to Hollywood 20 years ago when he first contemplated coming...
Someone once called DJ Paulo a ''pots and pans'' DJ. ''People who don't understand what I do and who don't understand rhythm as much, they...
Cancer may not be the funniest thing in the world. It's probably not even in your Top 10. But when cancer happens to a funny...
Heavenly Round-Up: If you were in the right place at the right time with the right resources at your command, what couldn't you do? If...
Del. Adam Ebbin (D-Arlington) was elected as Virginia's first openly gay state senator Nov. 8, even as other politicians who oppose LGBT equality won victories...
Does the new Pan Am having you itching to fly the friendly skies? For the next week, American Airlines is offering deep discounts on tickets to U.S....
Moving to Fairfax from Maine when he was 11, William had a hard time adjusting. Eventually, however, he stopped adapting and started making changes –...
Del. Adam Ebbin (D-Arlington) was elected as Virginia’s first openly gay senator in the state’s Nov. 8 elections, even as other politicians who oppose LGBT...
The Metro Weekly liveblog of tonight’s election! 8:45 P.M. – VIRGINIA – Out gay Democrat Adam...
The Human Rights Campaign often finds itself the subject of criticism for not taking aggressive action against politicians and others who are pro-LGBT in some...
Although much of the media’s political focus is on the latest developments in the... announced the winners of its 2011 travel awards. The nominees in all 10 categories were selected by a a group of professional travel writers, and the...
Palm Springs’ annual White Party is one of the largest and longest running gay circuit parties. And tickets and passes for next year’s party, April 6...
WSC Avant Bard — the new, edgier, fitting name for the old Washington Shakespeare Company — presents a one-evening adaptation of Shakespeare’s history plays Henry...
Two years after its debut, the Washington Ballet revives The Great Gatsby, set in the roaring ’20s and based on the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel,...
“The Privileged Series” features Anthony Dortch’s mixed media images in which he paints directly on top of photos to change the skin tones of people...
Director Allison Arkell Stockman instructs her Constellation Theater cast to accentuate the satire by acting in exaggerated fashion in its production of George Bernard Shaw’s...