Metro Weekly

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  • Lady Gaga, parents and friends of Jamey Rodemeyer confront bullying of gay kids

    After hearing about the suicide of 14-year-old Jamey Rodemeyer, singer and activist Lady Gaga took to her twitter account to express her dismay. She also...

  • Choi’s Lawyer Responds to Government’s Filing Writ of Mandamus While Trial Remains in Limbo

    Lt. Dan Choi’s chief legal counsel, Robert J. Feldman, filed a response on Sept. 21 to the government’s filing of a motion seeking to order...

  • A Mission Accomplished

    In some ways, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011, seemed a bit anticlimactic for a historic day in gay and lesbian history. Yes there were parties, yes...

  • Ya Got Trouble

    Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is always having to change the subject. First it was his health care reform law, which inspired President Obama's. Now...

  • Grieving for Gaurav

    As news spreads that the Sept. 10 death of Northwest Washington resident Gaurav Gopalan, 35, has been ruled a homicide by the city's medical examiner,...

  • City Offering Safety Event

    Amid a backdrop of ongoing violence aimed at the LGBT community, the Mayor's Office of GLBT Affairs has announced a Public Safety Open House event...

  • After Party

    For 13 years, the 1409 Playbill Café has catered to the theater crowd and neighborhood regulars at the vibrant intersection of 14th and P Streets...

  • Centaurs Celebrate Franson

    It's not often that the Centaur Motorcycle Club bestows its Bikeus Award. ''The last time it was given, seven or so years ago, was to...

  • Double L Win

    Now in its 13th year, the Mr. Double L Leather Contest wrapped up Sept. 17 with one of Rehoboth Beach's own, Allen Lerch, taking the...

  • Lingering Kiss

    Actress Rachel Zampelli decided it was now or never to push for a new production of Stop Kiss. ''I was looking into the mirror, wondering...

  • Repertory Wonders

    There may be important things missing in two mystery-laden musicals onstage now at Signature Theatre: a sleuth's youthful innocence, a kidnapped girl, a demonic horseman's...

  • Habit Forming

    To make great art, you simply have to be in the habit of making art, period. The trick is, art needs an audience along the...

  • Kiss and Tell

    Do you remember your first kiss with a lover? The moment you let your guard down and melt into another person can be a mind-altering,...

  • Amos's Ambition

    The D.C. gay barkeep and waiters were not pleased with Tori Amos. '''What is this rock-and-roll white trash look?''' Amos recalls them asking of her...

  • Busy B.

    When it comes to New York joining the marriage-equality states, B. Smith borrows a famous line from Martin Luther King Jr. ''It's like, 'Free at...

  • Date with Delgaudio

    In a recent fundraising letter from the Falls Church-based Public Advocate of the United States, which bills itself as an organization that ''lobbies to fight...

  • Obama to Speak at HRC Annual National Dinner on Oct. 1

    Today, the Human Rights Campaign announced in a news release that President Obama will be making his second appearance at the organization’s annual national dinner....

  • Jamey Rodemeyer, 14, commits suicide after gay taunts [video]

    Despite making his own “It Gets Better” video, Jamey Rodemeyer, a 14-year-old in Williamsville, N.Y., appears to have taken his life this past weekend. He...

  • Over and Out

    ''That's a dream come true,'' retired Air Force Maj. Margaret Witt said, watching servicemembers celebrating the repeal of ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' on Tuesday, Sept....

  • US Marines set up booth at gay center to begin recruitment

    Two U.S. Marine recruiters were interviewed several times in the press yesterday for a remarkable first-time event. They were invited to The Dennis R. Neill...