''As a child growing up in Missouri I would play in old, abandoned Victorian homes,'' says Mike Weber. ''I think that's where my fascination started...
Heavenly Round-Up: You're walking the walk, but the talk's not coming out right. You're manning up, but the situation may call for more sensitivity than...
”Most actors would tell you that the biographical details of their lives are beside the point. Except when they’re not. As viewers, we are molded...
Solicitor General Elena Kagan is nominated for the Supreme Court and LGBT issues have been front and center since the May 10 announcement Elena Kagan...
He said he was there “to help to secure jobs for people who want to serve our country.” Despite having been “discharged twice under ‘Don’t...
On Friday, April 30, The Creative Coalition, ''a nonprofit, nonpartisan social and political advocacy organization'' comprised of members of the entertainment industry, came to Washington...
”Youth are coming out at a lot younger ages…. It is becoming less stigmatizing, but there are still a lot of challenges. It is still...
”The court has granted the petition, and Chaz now has a court name change and a court order recognizing him as male…. Chaz couldn’t be...
SMYAL dancers vogue, duckwalk and Shablam! on stage at Youth Pride 2010: Michelle Raymond performs an acoustic version ''Umbrella'' for Youth Pride
The Capital Pride Alliance announced on Thursday, May 6, that this year's Capital Pride Festival headliner will be R&B singer Mýa. ''We're really excited to...
Like the five other LGBT organizations in the District sharing space with The Center, the area's LGBT community center at 1810 14th St. NW, the...
Calling it a ''natural progression,'' Nathaniel Frank will be leaving the Palm Center -- his academic home of the past decade where he gained national...
When GOProud, the recently formed gay group for conservatives, announced on Wednesday, May 5, that popular conservative lesbian radio host Tammy Bruce would be heading...
Sweet 16. The age of driver's licenses and birthday bashes, an iconic moment in the life of an American teenager when you're treated as an...
The difficulties of having a bill to repeal the ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' policy considered by a committee whose chairman said only in January that...
Like both my grandfathers, when I have a good story I'm going to take every opportunity to tell it. So, don't stop me if you're...
Plenty of progressives have mixed feelings about the military, particularly pacifists. But I'm not a pacifist. Nor am I a hawk. And I've never been...
In his State of the Union message President Barack Obama said repealing ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' was the right thing to do. But last Friday...
Plenty of people are looking for work during this recession of double-digit unemployment rates. But how many might be looking for unpaid positions? The Presidential...