”This case is just about treating everybody in the community equally … and not interrogating folks about whether they’re gay enough to play.” Melanie Rowen...
”We don’t have an ordinance that prohibits you from having graffiti. If you get caught painting, that’s one thing, but it doesn’t preclude you from...
''I remember these two gentlemen,'' D.C. Superior Court Magistrate Judge Richard Ringell said. ''Mr Choi, he saluted me. It's the only time I've been saluted.''...
Six former or current LGBT servicemembers who were arrested at a White House protest on Tuesday, April 20, were released from jail on Wednesday after...
Doug Schantz, owner of Nellie's Sports Bar at 900 U St. NW, was robbed at gunpoint around 1 p.m. Monday, April 19, by two men....
”We are — we are going to do that! Hey, hold on a second. We are going to do that…. Here we go. All right....
Reporters expect to have occasional fights over access. It comes with the job. But, it's unlikely reporters expected the literal pushback they faced on Tuesday...
Online conversation via Twitter: DavidaRCHIE:Hey guys just wanted to clear something up real quick lol. Last night in New York I got invited to go...
”Barney Frank is more honest and brave than you. At least we know about Barney Frank, and nobody is going to hold it over his...
The Supreme Court considered today whether a university can deny official recognition to a student group that refuses to abide by the university's membership policy...
With several towns still left to vote in May, 61 towns to date have approved the question and 33 defeated it. Another 33 towns tabled...
”They sit on the nest and act in every way as if they were a pair expecting to lay eggs. It is quite sweet…. They...
Legislation aimed at ending employment discrimination against LGBT people will be marked up in committee ''this week or next,'' according to Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.)....
” Act significantly burdens non-marital relationships and acts of sexual intimacy between adults because it forces them to choose between becoming a parent and having...
”This isn’t a civil rights issue. is a choice in behavior and as a Christian organization we don’t believe this is a right, it...
”We are married and are confident that the Supreme Court will prove us right.” Alex Freyre who was married to Jose Maria De Bello in...
”There may be challenges to it. But what we have seen across the country is that, no matter how people feel about same-sex marriage, people...
''If you screwed your eyes shut and imagined a judge for the Federal Circuit, you would have a hard time imagining anyone better than Ed...
It was just a few weeks ago that, while rummaging through the piles of past issues as part of my ongoing project of organizing my...