A Wednesday attack on two transgender women has left one dead, according to the Metropolitan Police Department, who have ''tentatively classified this case as a...
”The Court affirms OHR’s ultimate determination that PFOX’s application was denied legally. In NEA’s judgment, PFOX is a conversion group hostile toward gays and lesbians…....
”We have to wait and see. I think that we have to give it it’s due, at this point, and take them at face value...
”I think we did OK. But it’s a shame that anyone had to go through this.” Janey Kay, 60, of Tucson, AZ commenting on the...
”The overall error rate is 11.72 percent, barely up from 11.68 percent, which we reported Friday. In order to make the November statewide ballot, the...
”The gay community will benefit. The gay community has roughly 15 million members in the United States and tens of millions world wide. Millions of...
”I’m hoping to bring a new kind of conversation to TV about sex–an honest conversation, one that’s informed without being (too) wonky, funny without being...
”On Friday, I just felt like this was a great dream and I’d wake up and it won’t be real. This morning, especially right after...
What is it you shout when you want someone to get up the nerve to do something maybe a little bit crazy in public? Show...
August came in like a lion, and it's still roaring — as it always is. Ah, all those crazy Leos and how they love to...
”I had my arms around her, and she had her arms around me…. I turned around, and I looked at him, and I said, ‘Are...
”Beginning August 15, 2009, all domestic flight passengers will also be required to provide the airlines with their birth date and gender…. This potentially becomes...
”Among his primary duties, Matt will help manage the Division’s Criminal Section and pursue key policy priorities. He will represent the Division in many capacities,...
It should come as no surprise that one chapter of Kerry Eleveld's life contains a stint as an amateur stand-up comic. Her keen wit, sharp...
Four months after being fired from his post as the director of the D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation -- the highest openly gay appointee...
After five years housed in Silver Spring, Equality Maryland has returned to its ''hometown,'' Baltimore. “The move back to Baltimore is a strategic one, part...
If you missed the ''Gathering Storm'' ads on TV, there's still a good chance you caught the parody on YouTube. Whichever version you may have...
From calendars to river clean-ups, the DC Strokes Rowing Club has consistently made waves as part of the area's GLBT community. Last weekend, at the...
''The gay community completely embraced it and made it kind of the mantra of how people felt,'' says Ultra Naté, in reference to her 1997...