Here are the facts of life according to He's Just Not That Into You: Women are pathetic and hopeless in love; the only way to...
You won't find inanimate recreations of dungeon flogging scenes or the bucolic ribaldry of leatherfolk at the Olympia campsite on display at the Madame Tussauds...
Miguel Marin helped start the Flamenco Festival in 2000. ''The idea from the beginning was to have a date with Spain,'' the festival's director says...
The investment fund that owns the Washington Blade, the Southern Voice, Genre magazine and other gay publications has been forced into receivership by the federal...
According to the Los Angeles Times, the California Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments against Proposition 8, the voter-approved initiative that banned gay marriage...
I wish I could talk them into staying together, but I don’t see how. They had a great thing going. I love Julie, and I...
”It makes me very frightened because homophobia — like racism, like sexism — it’s grounded in irrationalism. To think that we are in the 21st...
“I think that’s an important opportunity for us, absolutely. Because within our party, we do have those who have that view, as well as outside....
”The whole purpose of sending one’s child to a religious school is to ensure that he or she learns even secular subjects within a religious...
Ready for a recount? This Sunday at the Super Bowl, it's Obama versus McCain all over again. (Technically, it's more Biden v. McCain — and...
”Now that we’ve processed this through, my current counselor says you’re a heterosexual with complications. And — and so I don’t think the boxes work...
”If there ever needs to be sunshine on a political issue, it is with a ballot measure.” US District Judge Morrison England, Jr, in his...
“I would say the most remarkable thing about this bill is that it is unremarkable. Instead of the cultural wars that we have seen year...
”She is a senior parliamentarian, she is respected and loved by all of Iceland.” Thorunn Sveinbjarnardottir, a fellow Alliance party member to Johanna Sigurdardottir, 66,...
Outside, it's a cold and sunny January afternoon. Inside the sixth-floor offices of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the entryway is piled high...
If you're confused about what has changed in D.C. jails since Virginia Soto, a woman who was wrongfully placed in a male facility for two...
Through all the barriers to immigration, all the legal wrangling that comes with manmade international borders, one institution has seemed superior: marriage. Even at the...
The Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend has come and gone, and hats off to the Centaur MC organizers for once again doing their part to actually express...
Heavenly Round-Up: So everything isn't going exactly as planned -- and it was a good enough plan, too. But the universe requires us to think...
Mark Morris Dance (Photo by Gene Schiavone) As Gene Kelly belts out in Singin' in the Rain, ''Gotta dance!'' Mark Morris does too, but his...