It's that time again — time to really dance it up at Be Bar. Yes, Hearsay means 9th Street's fun and chic lounge. There's a...
Hearsay's super-excited about this weekend. Why? Because it's time for Lizard Lounge's Grand Reopening, Part 4. In a decade of providing free, fabulous fun on...
”I’m fed up and disgusted with religious institutions taking political stances and calling them moral when it’s nothing but politics. It’s hypocrisy. Meanwhile they enjoy...
”We decided that we wanted to hold out for the real thing. Parties are fun, but it’s not about the celebrating piece of this. It’s...
Last Friday, November 7, Cobalt was hopping, and not just because of its exceedingly popular Real Man's Happy Hour, which every week brings all the...
Listen to Sean Bugg's new Podcast for Metro Weekly Hear the interview from:Patrick Sammon of the Log Cabin Republicans Elections are natural emotional rollercoasters, plunging...
Us Helping Us, People Into Living Inc., will soon mark 20 years of working to prevent HIV infections among black gay and bisexual men, and...
On election night, Nov. 4, Steven Kensinger and Zack Pesavento were just like so many other Washingtonians who poured out onto District streets to celebrate...
In the wake of Californians voting to pass Proposition 8, a constitutional ban on same-sex marriages that trumps an earlier California Supreme Court ruling that...
With the recent election, I was hopeful that Proposition 8 would not pass. A former Floridian, I might've cared more about their similar Proposition 2,...
Maybe, before you came out of the closet, you got a tattoo to signify your eternal love for Heather, your date to the prom. Maybe...
Two adages come to mind after seeing Slumdog Millionaire: ''Don't judge a book by its cover,'' and, ''Not everything you need to know can be...
Do you have that friend? The guy who spends an inordinate amount of time deciding what cocktails or wine or, thanks to the whole gastropub...
Watching an audience take their seats is always something of a pre-show entertainment, but it was particularly fun at Woolly Mammoth's Boom with the unique...
Heavenly Round-Up: It was beautiful, alluring and full of all the deep promises that only forever can carry out. Sudden eruptions have sent you back...
Local artist Frank Muzzy is literally exposing himself for this year's Art for Life, the annual Whitman-Walker Clinic art auction benefit. A noted painter of...
The word that pops to mind most often these days about the Volkswagen line of Rabbits and Passats and Beetles and Touregs is ''nifty.'' They...
METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? JOE...
METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? PAUL...
METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? REA...